Chapter 26

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Aria's POV

Waking up next to Ezra on new year is the best thing for sure. I looked at him and he was still sleeping. I slowly tried to get up from the bed when Ezra hugged me and pulled my back close to his chest

"Where do you think you're going?" He whispered in my ear still half sleeping

"I wanted to go downstairs but I guess I could stay here little more." I said and he nod his head smiling like crazy. I used my phone to check what's new because it turned off last night. I forgot to charge it. There was one missed call from Mike and text message from Mike too. I guess he wanted to be first one to wish me happy new year. I opened the text

>I think I screwed things up. Mom and dad saw that video of you making out with Ezra on instagram. I'm really sorry I didn't know they were behind me while I watched it.<

"What?" I yelled jumping from the bed. I turned on internet on the phone. Katy tagged me in a video. It was Ezra and I from last night. Thank God my hand was on Ezra's face so you can't see it properly

"What's wrong?" Ezra asked stretching. I showed him the video

"What about it? We look cute." He said

"My parents saw this." I said and he didn't know what to say

"Well the good thing is I don't have instagram and I'm not tagged so they still don't know about me." He said after some time

"Oh yes they do know about you. They saw us kissing. The comment on the video is 'happy new year from those lovebirds' They're going to kill me." I said getting up from the bed

"Hey." Ezra said coming behind me "Calm down. They're not going to kill you. Well figure something out." He said and my phone started to ring. It was my mom. I picked up

E; Happy new year honey!
A; Happy new year mom.
E; Oh I'm sorry. Did I wake you up? You sound sleepy
A; No you didn't woke me up but I did just woke up. Can I talk to Mike for a second?
E; Yeah sure.
M; Happy new year sis.
A; Not as happy as I thought it would be.
M; I know. I miss you too.
A; Go in other room. I need to talk to you.
M; Yeah I can check did you left it here....... I'm really sorry Aria. I didn't know mom was behind me.
A; Next time be more careful. You know how much trouble this brings to me. I would never do something like that to you.
M; I'm really sorry Aria. I didn't me...
A; I don't care. Look all you can do now is keep mom and dad in Rosewood for as long as you can. By that time I think I'll figure something out. If they ask you you don't know anything about Ezra or me having a boyfriend. Tell me when you're coming here and keep me updated so I know to prepare.
M; Okay. Aria I'm really sorry again. I didn't want to bring you in this possession.
A; I'm not so sure about that. We both know you hate Ezra.
M; I hated him before but not anymore.
A; Just do what I said.

I hang up the phone. I was all frustrate. Ezra hugged me

"It will be okay. We'll figure something out before they come." Ezra whispered. I calmed down after some time. We went downstairs and I told my Granny everything that happened. She said she'll stay quiet about Ezra. My phone ring. It was a message from Mike

>Mom and dad just told me to pack that we're going tomorrow with the first flight. I tried everything to keep them here but it's not working. I'm sorry. I'll let you know when we land.<

"Great. They're coming tomorrow with the first flight. I need to go clean the room from your stuff." I said as I got up and went in the room. I started to pick up every piece of Ezra's clothing. Ezra helped me and he used the shirt from my bed

"Not that one. That one is staying." I said and he smiled putting it back on the bed. We finished packing him and it was 7pm already. We watched movie and I really enjoy it. I didn't know what will happen tomorrow but I'll think of something. We fall asleep in each other arms. The ring of the phone wake both of us. I looked at my phone

>We're landing around 3pm<

Mike texted. I looked on the clock 9am. Ezra went in the kitchen and brought us breakfast. We ate as an idea came on my mine

"I have an idea." I said and Ezra looked in me

"You know how we'll have to spend some time apart because my parents will watch my every move. But I think there's a chance that we don't have to that. We'll be separate for only few days." I said and Ezra watched in me. I told him the rest of my perfect plan. I hope it works. We told Granny about the plan and she said she'll go on with it even if there's a chance that she'll get herself in trouble and she gave us some more ideas. This is not how I wanted to start my new year. With lies but it is what it is. It was 2;30pm and it was time for Ezra to leave. I will still sneak out to see him but he won't sneak out in here. I kissed his soft lips

"I'm going to miss you." I said

"I already miss you." He said and we kissed few more times before he left. Now only my plan needs to work and everything will be perfect

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