Chapter 14

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Aria's POV

Ezra is officially mad at me. He's not answering my calls or texts or anything and I can't go there. But who wouldn't be mad. I mean your girlfriend had a huge breakdown and she won't tell you what's the reason. Everyone would be mad but the worst part is that my parents grounded me two more week because I skipped last few classes on Monday. So I'm locked in the house for almost 3 more weeks but that's not how it's going to work. I have to talk to Ezra

"Hey girl. How are things with Ezra?" Kate asked when she sat for the table

"Still the same. How's Katy?" I asked

"She's better. She'll come in school tomorrow." Kate said

"That's good at least someone is better." I said and Kate used me for my hand

"You and Ezra are going to be fin.." Kate started but I interrupted her "Fine? Really? Because it doesn't seem that way to me. He's ignoring me for the past two days and I can do nothing about. I can't go there and talk to him. Even if I could I don't know what to say. He will want the reason why I cried. He will want the truth about it and I can't give him that. I can't tell him the truth and I don't wanna lie to him. All I can do is say that I'm sorry but that's not going to help and no. I don't blame him for this. I understand why he is like this. And I understand that he needs time and space to process all of this but I can't handle it. He walked away on Monday saying that I don't need him but the truth is I needed him the most that day. So please don't tell me that we'll be fine because we won't." I almost yelled at Kate and she just stayed quiet. I used my stuff and my eyes filled with tears. I run into the wood. To the same tree I did on Monday. I curled in a ball and cried. This time not because I remembered something bad but because I lost Ezra. I lost him. He gave up on me just like everyone else does. I wish Alison was here. She would probably tell me to stop crying over some stupid boy. But he's not just some stupid boy. I think I love that stupid boy

Ezra's POV

Kate just called me telling me that Aria had another breakdown. I don't know what to do. I've been ignoring her for the past 2 days. It would be stupid to go there

>Did you talked to her? If not I don't know what are you waiting for. She needs you Ezra. Kate<

Kate texted me. Where did she even got my number? Honestly I don't care. I need to find Aria. Kate said she needs me and I need her too. Those last 2 days were hell of my life. Knowing that I can see her but I don't want to. She's probably mad at me now. God Ezra you're so stupid. I used my coat and went into the wood where you could hear Aria's soft sobbing. This broke my heart. I went to her

"What are you doing here?" She asked wiping her tears away

"Kate call me and I came to apologize. I'm sorry I've been ignoring you for the past 2 days and I'm sorry I walked away on Monday." I said sitting down next to her

"It's okay. It's my fault. I should've tell you the reason but I can't Ezra. I'm afraid that if someone finds out it'll just make things worse and..." Aria said starting to cry again. I put my arm around her and pulled her in my embrace

"Shhhh... It's okay. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I said and Aria buried her head in my chest

"I missed you." Aria mumbled in my chest

"I missed you too baby. I missed you too." I whispered as I tried to calm her down. My shirt was all wet from her tears but I didn't care. I noticed that her breathing was called again as I looked in her eyes. She was sleeping. I decided to stay there with her until she wakes up

I don't need to know why she cried on Monday. Even if I want to. I want to help her but if she doesn't want me I'll stay out of her way. I don't want to fight with her anymore. Actually I think I love her

"Hmm.. What time is it?" I hear Aria asks as she woke up slowly

"4;20pm" I said and she jumped out of my arms

"Oh God I'm late again." Aria said and I smiled. She was back. The old Aria. I got up and used her backpack

"Why didn't you woke me up?" Aria asked

"Because you were so cute sleeping." I replied. I'm glad she's back and that she's over that thing

"So I'm not cute now?" Aria asked

"No. You're adorable." I said and she blushed. We went in my car and I drove her home. She told me about 2more weeks of detention plus that she might get some more today. I don't like her being in detention but there's nothing I can do about it. I can only hope that she'll learn from her own mistakes

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