Chapter 22

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Aria's POV

"Wake up princess." Ezra whispered in my ear and I groaned

"Nooo. Let me sleep." I said and covered my head with blanket

"Come on Aria. Wake up." Ezra said and I didn't reply. He pulled the blanket away from me. I used the pillow and put it on my head but Ezra took him too

"Come on. Don't make me bring cold water." Ezra said

"You don't have to. I'm already cold enough. Because someone took my blanket." I said getting up from the bed. I walked pass Ezra and he took me for my hand

"No kiss?" Ezra asked

"No. You were a bad boy and didn't let me sleep." I said and walked into the bathroom. When I was done I walked downstairs and breakfast was ready

"Morning Granny." I said

"Morning. How did you sleep?" She asked and by now Ezra was here too

"Good until this moron woke me up." I said pointing to Ezra

"That was a bad choice young man." Granny said to Ezra and he smiled

"I know. Well now but she wasn't like this before." Ezra said

"Sometimes she'll be like this sometimes she won't but sometimes she'll be even worse." Granny said and Ezra nod

"Thank you for letting me know. I have to go now. I hope I'll see you tonight and that we're still on for that dance." Ezra said. He kissed my forehead and left

"You have to be good to this boy. You won't find someone else like him. He has a good heart and don't just play with it." Granny said and I smiled

"I know. He's so good and kind and everything but you know how much I hate when someone wakes me up." I said and we both started to laugh

"I know. But can you have more tolerance for him?" She asked and I nod

"I'll try my best." I said and continued with my breakfast

I watched some movies with my Granny until the time for me to get ready came. I took a shower. Put on the beautiful dress Ezra bought me with matching heals. I did my hear and put on earrings. I put on some make-up even I know Ezra will tell me that I shouldn't and that I look beautiful without make-up and all cute stuff that he says. Someone walked in my room and it was Ezra

"You look beautiful." Ezra said and I blush

"Thank you. You don't look bad either." I said. I used Ezra's face in my hands and kissed his lips

"What was that for?" Ezra asked

"This morning. I'm really sorry about what happened." I said and we kissed again. I used his hand in mine and saw Granny standing on the door. She hugged me

"Good start." She whispered in my ear. "Have fun kids. I won't lock the door so you don't have to worry how to come in or when to come. Ezra take care of my girl. If anything happens to her you're dead." My Granny said to Ezra with serious face and he got a little scared

"Yeah. Of course. Nothing will happen to her." Ezra said and we walked out. We at in the car. I put my hand on his knee

"Don't worry about her. She's just trying to scare you." I said and he looked in me

"It worked." He said and I kissed him

"You okay?" I asked after some time of driving. Ezra was quite all the time

"Yeah I'm fine." He said but I don't believe it. We came in front of the place where that dance was going to be. Ezra and I went out of the car

"Ezra wait. What is going on?" I asked and we stopped. I used his hands in mine

"Talk to me." I added and he looked me in my eyes

"It's nothing. Your Granny just scared me a little. That's all." He said. I used him for his waist

"Are you sure that's all?" I asked and he nod. He used my face in his hands and kissed me

"I love you." He said

"I love you too. Now let's go have some fun." I said and he smiled. We went in and everything was pretty. It was really awesome. Ezra and I danced and talked and everything was great

"I'll go get us something to drink." Ezra said and he went. I was standing by table with food as a guy walked to me

"You're a pretty girl. Why are you standing all alone?" He asked

"I'm just waiting for my boyfriend to come." I said

"Maybe I can replace him while he's gone." He said and pressed his lips against mine. I pushed him away and slammed his face the hardest I could. His cheek turned red and he was all confused. I saw Ezra looking at us and he came next to me

"That's my girl." He whispered in my ear as he kissed the top of my head. I smiled and used my drink from his hand. We continued dancing until we were bored. We came in my house around 2am. We came in my room and I started to put off my dress

"You need help with that?" Ezra asked as he came behind me and unzipped my dress. The dress just fell down as I stepped out of it. Ezra turned me around we started to kiss passionately. I helped him to take off his suite as we moved our action in bed

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