Chapter 32

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Aria's POV

I've been in my room for few days now. I talked with Granny about Ezra. She said "It will be fine just let him explain." I'm not so sure about it. He really did hurt me

"Where are you going?" Mom asked as she saw me grab my coat

"Out. I'll be home before 11pm don't worry." I said and went out. Kate called me to come at her place. That she needs to talk to me about something important. I have no idea what is it. I knocked on her door and he mom let me in. She said they were in their room so I went there

"I'm here. What did you wa..." I stopped as I saw Ezra on the other side of the room

"What is he doing here?" I asked

"Aria I'm sorry I lied but you two need to sort things out. You two need to talk. That's the only way to make things work." Kate said and I looked mad at her

"There's nothing we need to talk about." I said and Kate looked in Ezra

"Actually there is. I want to apologize for what I did." Ezra started. I turned around and tried to open the door but they were locked

"Kate let me out. I don't have time for this." I said still trying to open the door

"Aria just listen to him. He has a good explanation." Kate said

"So I have to stay and listen to him when he needs to explain something but he doesn't have to do that when I have something to explain?" I asked

"Aria please. Do it for me. I can't keep watching you two fight all the time. You two love each other you just have to find the way to talk. So talk." Kate said and Ezra looked in me

"You have 2 minutes." I said and Ezra took a deep breath

"Thank you. So everything started to happen when I went at my mom's house. She heard us talking on the phone few times but before I started college I made a deal with her that I won't have a girlfriend before I finish school and that she'll pay my rent for apartment. So when she heard us talking she told me to break up with you or she'll stop to pay my rent and she'll take everything from me." Ezra said and it's a pretty good story

"How can I be so sure of that because you've lied to me so many times before?" I asked

"I'm telling the truth Aria. You can call her and ask. Besides I would rather be homeless with you in my arms than rich seeing you in someone else's. I just needed some time to understand that." He said

"Give me her number." I said. He gave me her number and I called her I mean he lied so many times that now I'll have to check everything

(A-Aria D-Ezra's mom)

A; Hi. Is this Mrs Fitz Ezra's mom? This is Amy. Ezra's friend.
D; It's Fitzgerald actually but yes I'm Ezra's mom.
A; Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't know about that. Ezra never mentioned in.
D; Of course he didn't. He's ashamed I'm his mom. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't remember me.
A; What do you mean?
D; Since he went on collage he never came to visit me.
A; So he wasn't there last week?
D; No. Not for the last few years. Why?
A; Ohh.. I heard rumors say that he was there last week and that you blackmailed him.
D; Blackmailed? No I could never do that to him.
A; That's what I thought. But there's more. Have you ever talked to him about not having a girlfriend while he's on collage?
D; No. I want to have grandkids one day. I can't forbid him that
A; Yeah. Thank you so much Mrs Fitzgerald. I'm sorry for waisting your time.
D; It's okay. Have a nice day and next time you see Ezra tell him I said hi
A; Sure. Bye.

I finished the conversation. He lied about everything.

"Here is a tip Ezra. Next time you want to drag someone into your lie at least call them and tell them what's going on." I said. My eyes started to fill with tears

"What are you talking about?" Ezra asked

"Your mom and everything else. You weren't with her last week. She didn't forbid you to have a girlfriend. Your last name is not Fitz it's Fitzgerald. When are you planning to start telling the truth because I'm tired of your lies? I told you everything about me and everything was truth and now I figured out that I didn't even know who I was telling that because you didn't gave me your real name. And you being homeless with me in your arms will never happen. First because you won't be homeless because you have a great mom who cares about you and second because you don't have me to be in your arms. Not when you homeless not when you rich." I yelled and few tears started to ho down my cheeks I couldn't keep them any longer. They had to fall

"Aria she's lying. I was with her. With her and my brother. Ask him if you don't believe me." Ezra yelled

"You want me to call him too so maybe I can find out your real name or..."

"Aria stop. You're not going anywhere with this. I used to be Fitzgerald but I changed it before I went on collage. You do know my real name. And I'm not lying. I stopped to do that when I almost lost you the first time. Please Aria. I'm ready to lost everything to be with you. I love you." Ezra said

"And I... I don't know how to feel anymore. How can I be sure when you're lying and when you don't because your face don't change at all. There's no difference between lying and not lying. I'm sorry but I can't." I said as I tried to open the door one more time

"Open the door Kate." I said and Kate got up from the bed to unlock the door

To be continued... 😂😂😂

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