Chapter 31

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Aria's POV

I was in Ezra's apartment. We ate a nice dinner that Ezra made

"Did you deleted the photo?" He asked and I looked in him

"Not yet. Why?" I asked

"May I see it?" He asked and I gave him my phone

"This beast sleeps like beauty?" Ezra asked and I nod my head. That was the caption. I saw he continued to go through my profile and his face changed. He gave me back my phone. It was the photo of me and Noel Khan kissing with the caption 'my universe'

"Ezra this is an old photo. I thought I deleted it. This photo is from when we started to date. More than one year ag..."

"You said you're over him." Ezra interrupted me

"I am. I never really loved him. I dated him to be popular but I'm dating you because I love you." I said taking his hand on mine

"Don't try to play with my emotions. If you really are over him you wouldn't have that picture. You would've delete it a long time ago." Ezra said being mad

"I don't understand you. I really don't. You think I'm playing with your emotions but you're actually playing with mine. You don't like when I post your picture and you don't like when I have the picture with someone else. It looks like you're just trying to find the reason for a fight but I'm over fighting. If you want to break up with me you can just say it and make it easier for both of us. This is exhausting for me. Every freaking time we fight you don't know how hard is it for me. It breaks my heart all over again so please break my heart all at once and not peace by peace. It hurts anyway." I yelled as few tears started to go down my face. Ezra just stayed there in silence. I used my purse and walked out hopping that he'll come, grab me for my hand, pull me in his arms and say that everything will be fine. That he didn't mean anything like that. I felt Ezra grabbed my hand and I looked in his eyes

"You forgot your phone." He said handing it to me. He let go of my hand and walked back in his apartment. I couldn't believe it. I broke down into tears. I walked out of his building. Are we really over? Is this really the end? I looked on the bracelet on my wrist. 'Ezzy Boo Bear' on one side and 'Pookie Bear' on the other. Maybe this is what is happening. We are connected but we're on different sides. I don't know should I give him this back. Should I pick up everything that he ever gave me and just throw it away? I can't think about this when I even don't know are we over. But I think we are. He had a chance to tell me to stay but he didn't took it. He doesn't want me anymore. But the worst part is I gave him everything. I told him everything. I believed that he changed but I guess he didn't. He used me just like other girls. I was tired of walking so I sat on the bench. I looked around. I've already sat on this bench. With Ezra and Mike. God everything reminds me of Ezra. Even the stupid bench. One couple walked by the bench

"I'm really tired. Can we stay here for few minutes?" The girl asked. They sat on the other side of the bench. She sat in his lap. He whispered something in her ear and she started to giggle. I got up from the bench and continued my long walk home. Ezra and I used to be that. I don't want this to end but he did what I asked him. He broke my heart all at once. I came home and went in my room. I covered myself into the blanket. Tears were going down my cheeks. I heard someone opened the door but I didn't care. That person sat on my bed

"What's wrong? What happened?" I heard my Granny's voice

"I don't wanna talk about it." I said. She took off my shoes and covered my body. She used Pookie and put it in hands. She kissed the top of my head

"We'll talk tomorrow." She whispered and left. She knows I'll talk to her when I'm ready. I hugged Pookie and broke down into tears even more. Why was I so stupid to tell him to broke my heart? He never listened to me before. He didn't listened when I told him an explanation but he did when I told him to break my heart. I don't know what I did so I don't have any luck in life. Everyone is happy. Everyone have real friends and I... I have Pookie and how it seems it will stay this way for the rest of my life. But I don't need anyone else. Other people are hurting me but Pookie will never hurt me. He will always be here no matter what. He will always support me and I'll always be thankful for having someone like him.

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