Chapter 25

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Aria's POV

"Hey kids." Granny said when Ezra and came downstairs

"Where are you kids going to spend new years eve?" She added

"We are going on some kind of a concert. I don't know what is that exactly but Kate called us to come with them." I said and she nod

"When are you going?" She asked

"Around 10pm or something like that." Ezra said. We continued talking about some random stuff and the time to get ready came. Ezra and I were in my room

"Okay Ezra. This or this?" I asked showing him 2 different dresses

"You will look hot in both of them." Ezra said and I looked at him. He hugged me from behind as I watched in my closet what to wear

"What about this one?" He asked as he used gray strapless dress. "I never saw you in it." He added

"Okay. But just because of you." I said and used the dress. I took a shower and put it on. I used some black jacket with it and put my hear up. While I did my make-up Ezra got ready

"Are you trying to impress someone?" I asked

"Only you." He said and I blushed. I wrapped my hands around his waist

"I'll have to be careful tonight. Maybe some girl tries to steal you from me." I said and he smiled

"She can try but that doesn't mean she will. I'll make sure everyone knows I'm taken. I love you." Ezra said and we kissed

"I love you too." I said and we were about to kiss again when my phone beeped. I pulled away and looked on my phone

"Can we pick up Sarah on our way? Her mom can't take her." I asked

"Yeah sure. Let's go." He said. I pick up my purse and jacket and we went downstairs

"You two look handsome." Granny said and we both smiled

"Don't let her drink alcohol. I don't want her to get drunk." Granny said

"Don't worry about it. She's not going to taste alcohol especially not get drunk from it." Ezra said and we said our goodbyes. Ezra and I went in the car and on our way pick up Sarah

"Thank you guys so much for this. I thought I won't be able to go because I didn't have a ride." Sarah said when she sat in the car

"We are going on the same place and we supposed to met there so it's nothing to thank for." I said and she smiled. We finally got there. It was a lot of people. I looked around to find Kate and Katy and I saw them after some time. I waved to them and walked over there. I saw the girl looking at Ezra and I was afraid that this will happen

"Let's get something to drink." I said using Ezra for his hand. We came in some place where they were selling drinks

"Juice vodka." I said and this guy looked in me

"May I please see your ID?" He said and I looked in my purse

"I forgot it." I said

"I'm sorry but I can't give you that. Something else?" He asked

"No thanks." I said and went

"Aria what's going on?" Ezra asked

"It's new year Ezra. Did you seriously though that I won't taste alcohol?" I asked and he smiled

"No. I knew you will but this is not what's going on. I'll buy you whatever you want but what is going on?" Ezra asked and I looked in that girl that was starring in him. Ezra turned around

"Is she the problem?" Ezra asked and I slowly nod my head. He used my head in his hands and kissed me

"Is it better now?" He asked and I nod my head. "Now let's get you that juice vodka." Ezra said and I smiled. That girl wasn't starring in him anymore

"No. Actually I don't want alcohol." I said and that concert started. I didn't even want alcohol at the first place. We danced and we had a really good time. The countdown started

"10... 9... 8... 7..." Everyone was screaming "6... 5..." I looked in Ezra and we made eye contact "4..." I used his face in my hands. I crushed my lips against his as the countdown continued "3... 2... 1... Happy new year!" People around us yelled as we were still kissing

"Happy new year baby boy." I said

"Happy new year baby girl." He said and I blushed. I turned around and hugged with all my friends wishing them happy new year. We continued partying until late hours

Mike's POV

I was at home waiting for new year with my parents. They didn't let me go out because I was too young as they say. It was about 12;02am when my phone biped. I looked at it and it was notification on instagram. I was tagged on some post of my friends. I was bored so I decided to see how other people spending their new year. I was scrolling down people posts when I saw Katy posted a video. It was Aria making out with some guy with the comment 'happy new year from those lovebirds' and Aria was tagged. You couldn't see mans face but I knew it was Ezra

"OMG is that Aria?" Mom asked. She was behind me and I didn't noticed

"No it's someone else." I said but she took my phone. Dad came and she showed him the video. In the background you could hear people doing countdown and on the end you could hear Arias voice saying 'happy new year baby boy' and the video ends

"I'm calling her right now." Dad said

"Byron no. Let her enjoy tonight. She deserves some happiness." Mom said but dad used his phone

"Oh she had enough of that. She wanted to stay there just because of some guy not because it was too painful for her to be here." Dad said and mom used the phone from his hand

"Even if she did that you need to understand her. We'll call her tomorrow and see what she has to say about it. Now calm down." Mom said

"She lied to us Ella." He said

"Maybe but we don't know that. We'll call her tomorrow and talk with your mother does she know anything about it now let's go sleep." Mom said. She gave me my phone and went in the room with dad. I called Aria but she's not picking up so I decided to text her

>I think I screwed things up. Mom and dad saw that video of you making out with Ezra on instagram. I'm really sorry I didn't know they were behind me while I watched it.<

Happy new year guys!!!

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