chapter 16 should I stay or should I go?

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Emily's POV:

My whole body hurt. I couldn't move, talk or anything just lay there. I heard someone talking to me and realized it was Zak. " Emily, please wake up so I can see your beautiful eyes again. Cookie, me, Aaron, and Nick all miss you. You have been asleep for three weeks and we don't know if your gonna wake up." I heard him crying, I just wanted to hug him and tell him I'm okay but my body won't let me.

" I love you, Emily. Please wake up for me." Zak said still crying. I continued to fight my body to let me wake up, but something happened. I was dragged into darkness.

I woke up in the hospital bed. I smiled and heard the room door open. I smiled when I saw Zak walk in with Cookie on a leash and Aaron, and Nick behind him. " Hey, guys," I said

They didn't answer and sat in the chairs beside the bed. Then they started crying, I was confused I'm alright and awake. " I can't believe Emily might die," Nick said.

I reached for Zak but my hand went through his hand. I gasped, am I dead? I stood up and saw my lifeless body in the bed. I shook my head this is impossible I can't be dead. I want to continue living with Zak and the guys.

I started crying. I saw Zak peck my forehead and he said: " Emily I was gonna wait, and I didn't want to do it this way but it looks like I have no choice."

I got scared. Was he gonna break up with me? Zak smiled sadly and asked " Emily, will you marry me?" I was shocked. Does he want to marry me? I smiled, but that ended when I saw a black shadow standing in the corner of the room.

I watched the shadow, a face appeared and he smiled at me and disappeared. I got the shivers and I sighed and saw Zak rubbing my hand and the guys took Cookie and left. I walked over and sat beside Zak. I wish I could hold him.

Zak just watched my body laying there wishing I would wake up and say it all was just a-, I was cut out of my thoughts when a woman appeared and said " Emily?" I looked at her and said " Yes?"

She smiled and said " you have a choice, you can either come back to Heaven with me or Stay here on earth. I need your choice soon." Then she just disappeared. I was shocked. I already know what I'm gonna chose.

" Hey, angel lady! I have my choice!" She appeared and I said, " I want to stay on earth with my boyfriend Zak and the rest of my family." She nodded then darkness came over me.

I suddenly felt an ache. My body hurts from the wreck. My body felt numb and weak, I struggled to move my finger. I finally was able to and then I heard Zak gasp. " Emily!? Baby are you awake? If you are please move your finger again!" I moved my finger again.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw a bright light. I groaned from the brightness and sat up. Zak was crying and smiling at me. I smiled weakly at him and said:" How long have I been asleep?"

"Emily. You were asleep for two months."

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