Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Graces' POV:

"Did you hear?!" Lauren rushed up to me with a flier in one hand and her bag in the other.
"No, and I probably never will be able to again since your screaming has practically made me deaf."I gave her my scariest glare and she smiled sheepishly.
"Sorry," Lauren didn't mean it; she would most likely do it again an hour later. "But take a look at this." She thrust the flier into my arms.

Talent Exchange
Be the first group of students in the UK to be part of new government developed plan to travel to the US and converse with a fellow participating school. Rules and regulations on the back.

"You want to do this?" I put an empathise in the word 'this'. Lauren nodded her head vigorously.
"Please can we? I need something extra curricular, you and Alison have netball, Caitlin has basketball and you guys even have *G+T in different subjects. I need something to make my *last year in high school memorable..." She made her pout face that was used to by now. I could see where she was coming from, I mean I wanted to make my last year of high school memorable so I said yes to the position of head girl, played all those sports and took G+T to improve academically. Not to mention the music rooms we would all book during break and the drama studios for lunch. I sighed aloud and Lauren immediately had her eyes trained on me.
"Fine, but you're the one who has to ask Alison and Caitlin." She squealed and embraced me into a tight grip hug.
"Omigosh, thank you!" I patted her shoulder awkwardly and muttered a 'you're welcome'. She took her flier and ran off down the corridor, I presume to wherever Alison and Caitlin were.
"Well, that was nice of you." I jumped at least 10 ft in the air. When I turned around I found Jaydon, our schools deputy head boy, standing behind me.
"You're an ass!" I whisper shouted at him. He gasped in shock.
"Miss Perfect doesn't seem to have a refined vocabulary." He said playfully.
"Shut up. But seriously, what do you want?" Jaydon wasn't the type of person to be sneaking around for no reason.
"Well I heard you and Lauren talking and I was wondering whether your conversation was about me?" It was more of a question but I let it slide.
"Eavesdropping is very rude and not at all very deputy head boy like. But I let it just this once. And between you and me..." He leaned in close to to hear better.
"I think she likes you..." Those five words were enough to have him rushing down the corridor following Lauren's invisible footprints. Oh yeah, I also play matchmaker. The bell rang signalling the end of free period and the start of break. I quickly manoeuvred myself through all the children *7 through to11 and tried to avoid bumping into people. That was my down fall, I was the clumsiest person to ever become head girl. When I reached the music rooms, I checked the rota to see which room the girls and I had. Studio 3. That one has the piano. When I opened the door, I found Alison, Caitlin and Lauren already sitting on the chairs.
"What took you so long, Grace?" This was Alison complaining. It happened to be her trade mark.
"Well, I'm sorry that I had to play tour guide for all those little year 7s."
I sassed back.
"Shut up! Guess what happened to me today?" Lauren asked excitedly, I could see where this was going.
"Jaydon asked you out? We know. we there." Alison and Caitlin said together.
"Finally grew a backbone and asked."
I said to myself and then cleared my throat to gain their attention.
"Ok so Lauren wants to to this talent exchange. Give me the flier." She opened up her bag and handed it to me. I turned to the back of it and read the instructions.

1: All groups must have 4 members.
2: Each group must win at least 16 points in academics, visual and performing arts and sports .
3:Must have a mentor to accompany them to America.
"That's it? Wow, those rules aren't all that scary." Caitlin said. In our group, she was definitely the rule breaker and the daring one.
"Yeah, well... The first two we can do easily, it's number 3 we need to work on. We'd need a female teacher since none of the males would be allowed to come." I said with my 'as a matter of fact' tone of voice.
"Well that narrows it down," Alison groaned.
"Ever the optimistic one, Ali." The shrill ring of the bell alerted us to get to our next lessons. Well, the others to get to their next lesson, I had to go talk to Mr. Johnson, the headmaster.



*Last year in high school: In England,you finish high school aged 15 or 16.

*G+T: Short for gifted and talented, sort of like honors classes.

*7 through to 11: Children in year 7 are 11 and 12 years old.

Well, that was the first chapter. I don't know how that went so I'll be expecting you guys to comment with your thoughts. Also, if you haven't already, check out my book Perfections overated. I know it's not coming along as quickly as some of you like but I can't do anything unless you comment on the book.

Merry Christmas, guys!!!


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