Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Alison's POV:

In the end, Grace, Caitlin, Lauren and I missed tutor period and 1st lesson just because we were watching the bloody quiz. Ms Larson asked a cover to take those periods and she also emailed our teachers telling them we wouldn't be there until 2nd lesson.

"What kind of question is that? It's a good thing he has a pretty face cos let's face it, he's not very smart." Cait complained about some clichéd blonde haired blue eyed guy.

"Yeah, ok. Calm down energizer bunny." Grace said sarcastically while patting Cait's shoulder. If it wasn't for Grace, I'm pretty sure all of us would be bouncing of the walls; she is definitely the calm element in our friendship. As video progressed, we all began to realise that planning a quiz would make our efforts go to vain since no-one would bother entering.

"Unless... There's a prize of some sorts." Cait said slowly. All of our heads snapped up at her comment and we thought long and hard about what a worthy prize would be.

"How about a chocolate hamper?" Lauren piped up.

"You do know that guys would be entering as well. Not just PMSing girls." Cait whispered.

"Everyone loves chocolate... Obviously not you though since you're about as bitter as a lemon." Lauren muttered back. This caused Grace and I to snicker and Caitlin to glare viciously.

"Well, you girls can think about prizes on your way to second period. Now, shoo!" Ms Larson instructed as she gestured something one might do to a pet.

"I swear, that woman gets crazier everytime." I murmured to myself. Suddenly, we all came to a halt because Lauren stood still in the middle of the corridor.

"I just remembered... I have no clue what lesson I have." We groaned in synch. However, I think I was the only one ready to slap our grey eyed friend upside the head with a brick.

"Ugh, Ren. You really need to learn your timetable. Ummm... Cait and I have *General art. So that means you have *Textiles and Ali has *graphics." Grace said while peering over her folder. Thank God, she was with us otherwise we'd be wondering the corridors like lost sheep. I hate sheep.

"Kay, I'll see you guys at break." And with that, Lauren skipped off. She reminded me of a pixie... Not the cool type either.

"Weeeeeell, I'mma go too!" That was Caitlin's cue to snap out of her daze and cut a shortcut through the quad with Grace to the General Arts building. Then there was one I thought to myself as I walked further down the corridor until I reached a door opening out to the *field. I sighed heavily until I was ready to go out into the open. Don't get me wrong, I didn't have agoraphobia or any phobia for that matter. I just felt as though my life had no purpose, like I was doomed to be uninteresting. Sure, there were the occasions where a student or teacher would embarrass themselves but other than those rare moments nothing significant would happen. Maybe that's why I agreed to participate in this Talent Exchange thing. If we won, we'd be going to a whole new country. All the sights, shops and I could finally sing party in the USA without getting creeped out looks from people passing by. Then there's the possibility of love, the other girls had their guys; Lauren and Jaydon admitted their feelings. Caleb was completely smitten with Grace (whether she knew it or not) and Caitlin had Luca who was still as oblivious as always. But at least they had someone, I on the other hand, was forever condemned to be alone.

By the time I reached my art room, the bell had gone and students were flocking to their lessons. Not wanting to be the only one in class, I loitered outside for a while until I saw a familiar face approaching. His dark hair was messy like he had run his hand through it a couple of time and his green eyes seemed rather dim.

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