Chapter 1

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Note to Reader: I'm posting the full story a chapter at a time- the whole thing will only be up temporarily and then I'll leave a sample.  Just a heads up!

Also, you can purchase the completed book on all major sites right now (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iBooks, ARe, etc.)




"I don't know Scottie."

I put the phone on speaker and set it down on the dresser while I buttoned my shirt.

"Look, man. People are starting to talk. And not in a good way."

"So let them."

I pulled out a tie at random. Cyn, my stylist, made sure that anything in my closet pretty much went with everything else.

Maybe it didn't lead to the most interesting style choices, but at least I knew I couldn't mess up too badly.

Scottie sighed gustily at the other end of the line.

"A large part of the reason you get roles is because all the girls want you. I'm not saying you have to get into a relationship. Just...go on a few dates that will get noticed. That's it. It'll be good for your career, good for the lady's career, your fans have something to talk about- there are no losers in that situation."

"I can think of one," I said wryly, shrugging into my jacket.

"Kid, this is how the game is played. Hollywood is anything but real. Trust me- I've been around the block enough to know it's basically all bullshit."

I sat down on the edge of the bed, staring at myself in the mirror.

"I still don't think it's a good idea."

"I hear you. I really do. Just do this one time. Lindsay Ryder's expecting you to pick her up in a half hour."

I sighed, scrubbing at my face with one hand.

"You already set up a date?"

"Just one," Scottie said briskly, the tone he always used when he knew I'd be mad and didn't want to give me an opening in which to go in on him. "You're going to the premiere anyway, you're just taking someone to be photographed with. Probably make the red carpet less awkward."

"Right. I'm sure having someone I don't know on my arm will make it a real party," I said sarcastically.

"Come on," he wheedled. "We both know you're too nice of a guy to leave her hanging now. I'm texting you her address."

I hung up, too irritated to say goodbye.

Scottie was an excellent publicist.

I just wish he was an equally good friend.

Or hell, human being.

I checked the incoming text.

At least she didn't live too far away.

Knowing I'd been manipulated into a situation I didn't want to be in didn't stop it from happening. I could refuse to go. But Scottie was right- I'd feel too bad about standing her up later.

I usually preferred to drive myself, but parking was always a mess at these things.

Ronald was waiting with the car out front when I came down.

"Change of plans, Ronald. We're going to this address first."

I read it off as I sat down in the back and he nodded.

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