Chapter 8

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I had a spring in my step as I walked into the office the next day.

Logan and I had fallen asleep together and then woken up and had breakfast. We'd spoken about what was going on that day and he'd decided to hang back and get some work done from home while I went into the office for a half a day.

I didn't have anything urgent pending at the moment because I'd planned it that way. The last shoot I'd been on had been grueling and I needed a little bit of a break in my schedule before I chose what to do next.

There was something to be said about coming to an office everyday,doing work, and going home. On location shoots were exciting and I liked those too, but they definitely took a toll.

After I got some of the more pressing matters out of the way, I took out one of the scripts Logan had given me yesterday.

Sitting back, I dug in.

A couple of hours later, I knew three things.

Logan most definitely wasn't a one hit wonder as many often turned out to be.

This wasn't something that I would personally bid on because it just didn't fit in with what we had going at the moment.

And I knew someone would want to buy it.

Tapping my fingers on my desk, I thought about who I should call.

I should probably consult with Logan first, but I didn't want to get his hopes up and then have to let him down with bad news.

A few people came to mind but I knew who'd be best.

Nancy Stewart might be interested.

Picking up the phone, I gave her a call, knowing this was something Denise should probably be doing but also knowing I most likely had a better shot since I already had a relationship with her.

I let her secretary know who was calling and she put me on a brief hold.

"Kyler! I wasn't expecting to hear from you. My condolences on this shit storm you've been sucked into."

I chuckled.

Eloquent as always.

"Thank you. But that isn't what I was calling you about. Actually, I have something I think you might like if you're interested in giving it a look."

"Really? Who's it by?"

"Logan Wright. I just bought one of his scripts myself but this one isn't quite up our alley."

"Logan...oh. Oh. This is that handsome young man you were pictured with, huh? I heard you already have Raney in talks to direct the thing. Must be good."

"It is," I acknowledged, not surprised with how quickly industry gossip had reached her ears. I knew she made sure to stay on top of things at all times. "So, do you think you might want to give it a look?"

There was a slight pause that had me frowning.

Nancy was usually a shoot from the hip kind of person. It was one of the things I really liked and admired about her.

"Listen, I'll give it a look," she said finally. "But I have to let you know something. There are rumors being spread that your guy set up everything in order to get publicity and the only reason you're going to do business with him is because he's got you hot and bothered. Now, I know that's not true because I know you. has hurt Logan's credibility because not everyone knows you personally like I do. I just wanted to give you a heads up in case you encounter any weird blocks as you guys are trying to shop things around."

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