Chapter 3

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I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves before I went in for the meeting with Denise.

Luckily, I didn't have to get time off from Lindsay. She usually slept in the day after an event and like Kyler had warned me, Denise had called me in the early hours of the morning.

I didn't mind.

It wasn't like I'd been able to get any sleep anyway.

I checked my watch.

Time to go in.

I went into the building and found the right floor.

When I told the receptionist I was there for a meeting with Denise,she took a moment to look through her computer screen.

I had a moment of worrying whether or not I'd be on it and then she looked up with a smile, telling me to go right on in.

Her door was open and I looked in to find a middle aged, attractive woman with shoulder length dark hair, sitting behind an imposing desk.

She looked up at my light knock, smiling at me as she stood up and offered her hand.

"You must be Logan," she said cheerfully as she shook my hand with a sure grip. "Please, have a seat."

She sat down after I did, pulling something out from a drawer.

"So, I got a call from Kyler last night, as I'm sure you know. He was insistent I take a look at your work. I think his exact words were 'you can thank me later'," she said on a light laugh.

"So, you liked it?" I asked carefully, not wanting to assume anything.

"I loved it. Doesn't hurt that someone's already interested inputting in an offer," she added with an honesty that I appreciated. "Anyway, I would love to represent you and see if we can't get the ball rolling on this sale. What do you say?"

Maybe I should have shopped around more.

But, for better or worse, I trusted Kyler. And he'd steered me in Denise's direction, so I was inclined to accept on the spot.

"Can I look over the contract?" I asked.

"Of course, let me get it for you."

She opened a filing cabinet behind her desk and got out another sheaf of papers.

"You can take it to a lawyer to go through, read it yourself,whatever you want. But I'll let you know I don't play games and I believe in happy clients, so I have no desire to give you an unfair deal. The contract is pretty straight forward. Here, I'm going to email you a copy too." She went on her computer and did just that.

There were quite a few pages in it.

She looked up at me and saw me paging through.

"Tell you what. You can look it over and get back to me by tomorrow, but I want you to know I'm committed, so I'll come with you to the meeting I know you already have scheduled. No strings attached, just someone there on your side while you go through this process."

"That would be great," I said, feeling slightly relieved.

She waived it off as she got up and putt on a suit jacket.

"Don't even worry about it. I remember what it was like just breaking into this industry. Someone helped me out then and I'll never forget it."

With Denise by my side, I felt a little better as we headed to Kyler's production offices.

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