Chapter 2

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The movie was about what I expected it to be.

I'd seen way more of Lindsay's movies than I ever would have if it wasn't basically a part of my job description.

It wasn't that she was a bad actress. Because I honestly thought she had talent.

But she was one of those people who wasn't content with their strong suit and kept fighting against it, trying to become something else.

The ambition itself wasn't bad. I very much didn't fault her for that.

But she needed to take the acting part of it more seriously. She needed more coaching, more polishing.

Or at least, I thought she did. But I wasn't exactly an expert either.

To my ears, the applause at the end was lukewarm at best, though not completely negative. Which meant the box office could still be profitable.

But Lindsay's reputation might or might not take a hit.

The public was a fickle master.

"What did you think?"

I turned automatically to offer Lindsay a compliment, but saw she wasn't asking me but Kyler.

At least I was off the hook at the moment.

"You lit up the screen. Who was the director?" Kyler asked smoothly.

Lindsay smiled, obviously not picking up on the fact that he'd basically given a non-answer.

But there was no point in being harsh. Not when the rest of the world would be.

"Emerson. We wanted Wolf Taylor, but he bowed out at the last second. I thought..."

I tuned out as she continued to speak, taking a look around the theater.

If it wasn't so impolite and if I had the balls, I would have come to these things with manuscript in tow.

But not only would Lindsay kill me, I'd probably kill my chance at a career.

And I knew she was trying. She'd already shown my work to multiple people, but they'd turned it down.

Kyler looked over at me as I sighed.

"Are you guys hungry?" he asked, changing the subject. "How about a drive-through run?"

Sounded like a good idea to me.

Lindsay smiled prettily, even though I knew she kept herself on a very strict diet that most definitely didn't include fast food.

"Sounds great."

We headed out to the car, stopping as people offered Lindsay empty congratulations on her new release while angling to get closer to Kyler.

If there was one thing I'd learned in this business, even in my small, tangential part, it was that genuine people were hard to come by and everyone was always judging you by your latest flop or success.

And trying to figure out how to make either work to their advantage.

"Kyler! I've been trying to get a hold of you through your agent,but for some reason..."

"And Kyler, I just wanted to say..."

"You were great Lindsay, really. And Kyler, your last project..."

Kyler made his way as efficiently as possible through the crowd,nodding and smiling at people when he could, saying a few effective words if he had to, but keeping us moving.

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