Chapter 6

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I sat down on the bed and stared at the wall.

Now what?

It took me a moment to get a grip on my thoughts, there were so many competing for attention.

I needed to look for a place.

Grabbing my backpack, I took out my laptop and set it up on the desk that was placed along one wall.

Alright. I needed something that wasn't too far away from Kyler's offices because we were supposed to work together as we developed the script some more.

And it had to be cheap because I was under no impression that I was now on the easy rode.

Whatever money I made, I needed to watch carefully in the event of a dry spell.

A half hour later, I had some possible potential places.

None of them were perfect, but I wasn't looking for perfect, just practical.

I was just adding the last one I'd found to the spreadsheet I'd started when Kyler knocked on the open door.

"Hey, just wanted to let you know I deposited the agreed upon amount into your bank account. It should be available to you by tomorrow."

"Great, thanks," I said with a relieved smile.

I didn't really want to have the awkward talk about the money, so I appreciated that he'd already taken care of it.

"What are you doing?" he asked, sauntering in.

"Just looking at some potential places. I don't want to impose on you any longer than necessary."

He frowned as he looked at the screen.

"There's no hurry. With everything that's going on, you don't have to worry about that too right away. Besides, we need to get some work done. I sent the script over to Raney this morning."

"You did?" I asked, immediately distracted from the idea of apartments. "Did he say anything?"

Kyler grinned at me.

"He wants a meeting with us. I told him we were free for lunch,so..."

I glanced at the clock.

And jumped to my feet.

"I'll take a quick shower and be ready in fifteen."

He was laughing behind me as I shucked my shirt on the way to the bathroom.

The shower was as fast as I could make it while also hitting all the necessary points.

I quickly scrub-dried and wrapped a towel around my waist, running out into the bedroom because I'd forgotten to take my clothes in with me.

I stopped abruptly as I saw Kyler sitting on the bed.

"Uh..." I said eloquently as my brain stalled out.

He gave me a slow once over as he stood.

"Don't stop on my account. I don't mind."

He gave me a wolfish smile as he leaned against the wall.

Didn't look like he was going anywhere.

And I really needed to dress quickly.

I grabbed my duffel and took out clean clothes while watching him out of the corner of my eye.

The thing was, I knew he would leave if I asked him to and meant it.

I decided to split the difference.

Kyler's Mate (Gay Werewolf Romance)Where stories live. Discover now