Chapter 14

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Note to Reader: Only one more chapter after this one!  The sale is over so I removed the info on it here :).  Hope you have a good day!


That night, we had dinner with Hector and Rissa.

It just happened to be one of the very rare times when nobody else was going to be at dinner with the Alpha pair.

Soo, the cook, served a delicious dinner as always.

With so many mouths to feed on a regular basis, having a dedicated chef in the kitchen was only practical.

And Soo had been in the house since I could remember, before Hector had become Alpha.

I hugged her when I saw her come in.

"You still smell exactly the same. Like cinnamon and basil," I said, taking an exaggerated sniff.

She laughed heartily, swatting me away.

She even looked the same, apart from a deepening in the crow's feet around her eyes and a few extra threads of silver at her temples.

"Sit down and eat. I made your favorite chicken," she said tome, giving Logan a wide smile. "He was never the fancy type. Always wanted everything fried."

Logan laughed. Soo's personality was just too warm to resist, her eyes always dancing as she urged people to be in on the joke.

The food was delicious, as always.

We ate and kept the conversation light.

"Ugh, I can't stop eating!" Rissa exclaimed laughingly. "I'mas big as a house already!"

"You're the prettiest house I've ever seen," Hector said, his eyes sincere.

Rissa blushed and glowed at the compliment even as she shooed it away with her hands.

It was nice to see them so happy together.

A happy Alpha pair meant a healthier pack.

And I knew the baby had such a large, loving family just waiting to hold him or her.

"Did you find out whether it's a boy or a girl?" I asked.

"No, I wanted it to be a surprise," Rissa said as she took another helping of mashed potatoes. "And I didn't want Hector to know either."

"It's killing me," the big man admitted with an exaggerated, put upon sigh. "The things we do for love."

Rissa rolled her eyes, grinning.

We moved on to what was new in the pack, the dinner lasting long into the night as we switched to drinks and apple cider for Rissa.

Rissa's yawn finally prompted Hector to end the night.

"She has to get her rest," he said as he helped her to her feet. "We'll see you two in the morning."

We said our good nights as Hector and Rissa made their way to one of the downstairs bedrooms.

They'd probably moved down to make things easier on the mother to be.

Logan and I weren't ready to turn in yet since we'd gotten around to that nap after all.

"Do you want to go outside? It's a nice night and the moon is full so it isn't too dark if we stay on the paths."

"Yeah, that sounds nice," he said with a smile.

So we walked outside, hand in hand.

Being on pack land, a place that still held all of the connotations of home, with Logan...

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