It Should've Been Us

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1 week later...

(Dean P.O.V)

Today was the day.

Today was the day that I tie the knot. Today was the day that marry Stephanie Nicole Garcia-Colace. Who is soon to be Mrs. Good. Who is soon to be the mother of my child. Who is soon to be the person I wake up next to for the rest of my life. Who is...not the person I'm in love with.

Yeah, I said it. On my wedding day, I'm marrying the person who I am not in love with. Sure, I got love for Nicole, I love her to pieces. But I'm just not in love with her. If that makes any sense. I felt as if I was marrying her for all the wrong reasons. Mainly because she's pregnant. And because I wanted to make her happy, but I didn't even try to make myself happy. 'Yes you did...' I thought to myself. 'You were making yourself happy when you left Paige for Nikki.' I hated my conscience, but it was definitely right.  I was only thinking about my own happiness at the time and not hers. And when I tried to get back with Paige, karma just came back to bite me in the ass. Now I'm here about to get married to the wrong person, for all the wrong reasons. I should've just stuck with the person who cared about me the most when nobody else did, Paige.

My heart was set on, Paige...She was all I could think about. All I could dream about. She was just on my mind 24/7. Although I didn't mind it, I just had to stop it. I had to pull myself together and get ready to watch my wife to be walk down that isle. I had to ignore all things Paige. Everything. This is supposed to be the best day of Nikki's life but for me, it's gonna be the worst day. I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror. Well, here goes nothing.

(Paige P.O.V)

I decided to just sit at home all day today. I didn't have to work any shows, no signings, no meet & greets, not anything. So it was pretty much a day off for me. I believe it was everyone's day off for this week, and we rarely get those. But everyone was pretty busy today. It was the day of Dean & Nikki's wedding, so I'm pretty sure half of the main roster would be there. Everyone except me, of course. It's not that I wouldn't want to go, why would I go anyway? I just wasn't really invited...but I wouldn't blame them. I'm his ex. Who invites their ex to their wedding? 'You're not just his're like his best friend.' I began thinking to myself. 'Maybe even more than that. I bet he wishes you were there with him right now.' Oh whatever, conscience! I hated these kinds of thoughts so much. Why would he want me there with him? It's his wedding day, I'm probably the last person he's thinking about.
Then again, I am still considered his friend...I guess I could just grow up and congratulate him. I sighed as I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and decided to send him a text message.

Paige: Hey. Just wanted to congratulate you. Just know you made the right choice and if it makes you happy, then I'm happy. 3:21 pm

I waited a few minutes for him to respond but I got nothing. Minutes suddenly became hours as time flew by real quick. I just figured that he was busy, so I wasn't going to rush him. I sighed as I waited for him to respond still. I just set my phone down onto the table and looked down, placing my head in my hands. Suddenly tears began to fall down my cheeks. I wanted to be happy for him but it was hard for me. I knew I would break down at one point today. Everything we ever had just came crashing down on me. It hurts. It feels like my heart is getting ripped right out of my chest. That should've been me with the wedding ring. That should've been me walking down that isle in the gorgeous dress. It should've been me. It should've been us. All I ever wanted was to be happy, to be loved, to be someone's everything and it all just backfired on me. I gave him chance, after chance, after chance and all for what? To be cheated on? To be lied to? To be...used? Scratch that. The good should out way the bad. He treated me good, he made me laugh, made me smile, made my life complete and now he's marrying another fucking hurts. As more tears continue to fall, I suddenly heard knocking on my door...

(Dean P.O.V)

I held onto Nikki's hands as we looked deeply into each other's eyes. In hers I could see happiness, complete happiness. I could tell she was filled with so much joy. I hoped that she could see the same in my eyes. Cause what I was feeling on the inside, was completely different. What I was feeling was pain, sorrow...regret. I didn't want to feel this way but knowing what I'm doing now makes me feel like this. At this point I just wanted to break down and cry. But there was no going back now. Especially after hearing Nikki say the words 'I do'. I knew it was over right then and there. Then I was asked the same question...I jumped out of my painful thoughts and accidentally said 'W-What?'...and the guy had to repeat himself..."Do you, Jonathan Good, take Stephanie Nicole Garcia-Colace, to be your lawfully wedded wife?"...that's when I had to swallow my pride. My palms were sweaty, I felt so nervous and I could tell that I was shaking. My heartbeat slowed down a bit and I looked around the room nervously before landing my eyes back on Nikki, then looked down at her belly. That's when I finally broke my silence, saying the words, "I do."

(Seth P.O.V)

I waited outside of Paige's door after I knocked on it. I looked around a bit, with my hands in my pockets before the door suddenly swung open. I saw Paige standing before me with tear stains running down her cheeks. "Paigey, what's wrong? Are you alright?" I asked her, letting myself into her house so I can comfort her. I shut the door behind myself as I followed her into the living room and sat down next to her on the couch, wrapping my arms around her. I kinda knew why she was hurt already, but I had all the time in the world to listen to her. It took awhile before she actually started to explain to me why she was crying like this. But she came through to me as I continued to console her and comfort her in the best way possible. She didn't need to be alone, so I decided to stay here with her as the day went on, eventually turning into night time. She laid in my arms as peacefully as ever as she was taking a nap. I didn't really want to sleep, I just couldn't take my eyes off of her. She was so peaceful, graceful, even more beautiful than she already was. Her heart was too good to ever deserve something like this. Although Dean was a good friend of mine, I still am one to point out his faults and wrongdoings. And what he did to Paige was way outta line. I'll be damned if I let anyone or anything hurt her, the way he did.
She began to move around a bit, and had slowly waken up. I moved my arms, so she could sit up. "What time is it?" She asked me. "It's 10:46" I said looking at the time on my watch. "Woah, I must've been out of it." Paige said with a soft smile. "Yeah you were, Paigey. But I didn't mind it though, you needed the rest. I didn't mind being your pillow." "OMG! I didn't drool on you, did I?!" "No, no you're good." I said with a chuckle. "Oh, good." She said laughing. "Hey, can I ask you something, Sethie?" "Sure, go ahead." I said. "If you're here, you didn't go to the wedding. Why didn't you go?" She asked me. "Well, I wanted to be here with you. I know you're taking this pretty hard, and you shouldn't have to go through it alone. So I had to come and see how you were holding up. I'm glad I came just in time, because look at you now. Smiling. You should always be doing that." I said to her and she smiled even bigger this time. "I really appreciate you coming here to be with me, Seth. It means a lot to me. Thank you." She said as she wrapped her arms around me, giving me the tightest hug. I couldn't help but smile as I hugged her back. As we slowly pulled away from the hug, we stopped and stared into each other's eyes...and before I knew it, I felt her lips on mine.

Lovesick: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now