|| Inner battle ||

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I sat on a wooden bench staring at the sky
Thinking about the happenings of my life
Thinking how on the earth I ended up here.

doing a job which can help me to fill my stomach,
But can't help me to fill my inner hunger,
Which can make my parents happy,
But can't fill my heart with satisfaction
Which can't help my growing frustration
I can leave all this behind 
And I can go on my own path 

Yet, I can't...
Because every time I thought of leaving this,
In my eyes, faces of the people I love reflects 
The hopes they have on me
And how this decision of mine gonna effect them

Yet, my inner frustration grows
My heart and mind battle continues.

And here I'm staring at the sky
Thinking about the happenings of my life
Circumstances which put me in this position

And now, I have had enough
Its time for me to live, not just survive
I know the road I'm gonna choose is a roller coaster
Still its worth to take the risk
Do what makes me feel alive

Its time that I should live my dreams
And explain this to my loved ones
and prove them that the path I'm chosen is correct
Its high time that I should follow my heart
Then everything's gonna fall right into place.

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