|| best friends ||

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we have been best friends since childhood
and promised to stay together forever

but then you had to go away
from this city, away from me

still we stayed in contact in all possible ways
cause we don't want to be 'the people we once knew'

ended our happy teenage years
then came the life into view

time to decide what to do in life,
whom to date, whom to marry...

we cried together over the boys that cheated
laughed for the evil stunts we did as little revenge

argued like our life depended on it
together regretted those silly little fights

always have each other's back
in our down and up's of our life graph

many people came and gone
just like passing clouds
but still we stayed together

its like we're always on the same page, same line
never missing a beat

now after all these years If I look back,
I haven't figured what exactly 'life' is...

I'm still the same me when I was kid,
thinking I'll know how to deal with life when I get older

But I figured I'll never know,
yet I know you'll always be with me,
whatever choice I take in life,
wrong or right, easy or hard

nevertheless, I know you support me, so am I...
So Thank you for being the world's awesome, cool and the most annoying evil friend ever.

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