|| carefree ||

161 27 10

Yes, I'm a carefree girl

And I'm gonna do what my heart wants me to do

Cause I'm in this new city miles away from my own

Where no one knows me

Where no one gonna give a fuck about what I do

Where no one gonna judge me

Cause I'm in this new city,

Where no one knows me

And I'm gonna do all the crazy things

Which  I never dared to do before, 

because of those judgemental eyes

Cause I'm in this new city,

Where no one knows me

I'm ready to run to the places,

Wherever the map in my mind takes me

I'm gonna dance in the rain

And may be kiss some stranger

Laugh hard and try adventures

Cause I'm in this new city

Where no one knows me

Away from all my responsibilities

Away from those awful sorrows

And I'm gonna rock 'n roll now

Jump high to meet the sky

I have got wings and now I'm a free bird

Now I live my life the way I want

Yes, I'm carefree girl, certainly

Until this little dream of mine ends.

A/N : comment your views.


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