|| Tears ||

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They are my best friend

They always stay with me
In my happy and sad times

They flow with so much burning passion
Making me know the value my smile

They always stay with me
In my darkest hours
In my endless nights of horror

They are always on the corner of my eyes
Waiting to accompany my loneliness

People come and go in my life
But tears stay with me,
From birth to death...

They make me strong every time they met me,
Always there to help me burden my chest...

They stand by me when people of my own abandons me ruthlessly,
And they never leave me in those hard times...

They make me realize I'm sane,
When the person I care calls me insane...

And sometimes,
They make me laugh for my silly cries
They make me realize the value of life,
Moreover, myself.

So yes,
tears are my best friend, certainly.

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