|| Leap of faith ||

84 14 13

I agreed to come to the party, but now I guess I can't

I wonder why did I even agree in the first place

because I know very well

everytime I come anywhere near the boundaries of happiness

my life laughs at me bitterly

as it throws me ruthlessly into inevitable infinite abyss

yet here I'm taking a leap of faith

because I know for sure,

some infinities are bigger than other infinities

so here I'm, on my way to this party

to dance my demons away,

cause the night is still as young as it ever can be

so yes! dear friend of mine,

here me clearly as I say this today

don't ever let your tears to stop you from smiling!


A/N : and guess what? I actually went to this party and I had the best time of life so far! Like really! Too much adrenaline rush in a single day and I did dance my demons(shyness) away. To make it short, I acted 'fearless' not thinking too much of my every step.

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