|| humanity ||

101 15 13

I saw a man by the road side today
He laid down there almost lifeless
I'm still wondering whether he is alive or not
People are walking beside this man
Ignoring him as if he is a trash can

Some don't even look at him
Quickly averting their gaze with disgust
You know what, the irony is,
The same people will talk for hours
About humanity if you give them a mike
And the crowd will clap for that tremondous speech

These same people close their fancy car windows
If someone begs them at traffic signal
These same people have the budget to give parties
To their friends who can afford their own living
But, no, they don't give the same money to the one on the road

Infact, why should they give their money to someone stranger
The money which they earned with hardwork
But, oh dear, ask yourself,
Have the poor children on the road asked for it?
Asked for not having a shelter to live?

No, right? its their destiny
But, listen my friend, 
You have the capacity to change their destiny
You have the chance to show them humanity
So why not, my friend, why not?!

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