|| Mind games ||

69 9 11

My mind is empty, just like the paper before me
Its asking me to fill it with colours
But all I can paint is a white colour

My mind is crazy, just like the puzzle before me
Its urging me to solve it
But all I can see is the haphazard pieces

My mind is serene, just like the lake water before me
Its asking me to admire its beauty
But instead I throw a stone into its perfectly still water

My mind is scary, just like the demons around me
They are making me feel like I'm a dirtbag
But I know the truth, still I listen to my mind

My mind is changing, every day and every second
Its making me do all the things, that I have no control over
But I know its playing dangerous games

And I'm just the victim of its ruthlessness
But I realized I can never change my life
Until I control my mind
Until I put a stop to its wilderness

So I seperate my mind from my soul
To put an end to all of its stupid games
And now I'm no longer a slave of my mind
Instead I'm the ruler of my mind, my soul and my fate.

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