|| scared emotions ||

115 23 24

we've been best friends since ages
and there for each other
in every good and bad days  

we care for each other like no one can
we're inseperable is what they say

but why do I feel like this is all coming to an end
is it because that I'm starting to love you
or is it because that you don't feel the same about me
or is it because that you started liking another girl

oh boy, how do I tell you
that I fall for you,
afraid, you'll reject me
and say we can't be together

it hurts me to see you with other girl
and it kills me when you laugh with her

after all the years we've been through,
didn't you feel anything,
not even for a second

you've been my strength all these years,
but why do I feel like
you're going to be my biggest nightmare

haven't you realized my fake smile yet
or is it me, hiding my emotions under dark

haven't you realized I'm the one for you,
like you're to me...
or is it me chasing the clouds
even though I know I can't reach

haven't you noticed my love yet,
isn't my actions obvious
or is it you, locking your feelings inside a cage
or is it my heart playing with my mind...

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