chapter 2

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"Is this a joke?" You weren't exactly sure what to make out of this. Having James' file, or Bucky's file, was a little intimidating to say the least.

"I like to think of it more as a...challenge," Tony smirked looking down at you.

"But I thought he was-"

"We wanted to keep him in cryo longer but I couldn't take anymore of Capsicle's whining," Tony interrupted.

"So you're saying you're...taking him out of cryo? Are you sure he's not a threat still?" You still didn't know why he was telling you this.

"That's what you're here for (Y/N)," he pronounced.

You paused for a second, until you heard Tony huff in annoyance. He pulled up a chair placed his hands on the desk.

"Listen (Y/N), we're taking Bucky Boy out of cryogenic sleep, and we want you there when he wakes up. He hasn't been known to like me much, and Steve would get too sappy. We need someone like you. You...understand people, I don't know. If we plan on him doing sessions with you for awhile, we thought it might be best if you're the first one he sees when he wakes up."

You nodded. Tony's plan seemed legit, but still. This guy is not the before-the-war Bucky Steve talks about. Yet, he's not exactly the Winter Soldier anymore. He was some kind of in between, but you guess that's what you're there to figure out, right? You still sat there in awe of what you were going to have to do, so Tony interrupted your train of thought. Again.

"So read up," he tapped his fingers on the file repeatedly and then got up and started walking out. He held up a finger while still making his way out the door, "and be in the lab by eight a.m. tomorrow morning."

The door shut and your whole body shuddered.  'Better start getting reading then', you thought.

You opened the file once more and looked at two pictures posted on the page. One of them from the forties, the other was a recent picture. Wow, you didn't realize how good looking he was. Steve mentioned he was good with the ladies, and now you knew why. His brown hair looked soft, and plush. Almost like you could reach out and touch it, and it would feel silky. His blue eyes were glistening, and you couldn't wait to look into them yourself. His eyes in the other picture didn't look the same. They were more grey than anything, and they were sad too. Really sad. The recent one looked more like a mugshot than an actual picture. His hair was limp and greased. His face was scruffy, but you knew a good shave could fix that.

You were getting too lost in his face and caught yourself. You tend to do that sometimes. You always get caught up in people's faces and their emotions. You could know what someone was thinking just by a batting of their eyelashes or a twitch in their face. Sometimes you wish you could do your sessions by just looking at them. It was almost easier that way. Someone can put all their feelings into one expression than they could in a thousand words. But that's just your opinion. Besides, most people wouldn't want to spend an hour or more just staring into your eyes.

You traced your finger from the pictures of Bucky down to his profile. Here we go.

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