chapter 16

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(this chapter is a little extra long because it has two parts that I decided to join into one. The first half is told in your pov, and the other in Tony's. Tony's pov just give a little extra to the chapter)


"Bucky," you breathed.

His head shot up and you saw his face. His eyes were puffy and bloodshot. His face was red and swollen. He had been crying and your heart broke into tiny pieces that you wanted to take and stab Tony with.

"(Y/N)," he sniffled as he heaved himself up.

You ran over to him and wrapped your arms around him. You felt him grab you back, this time with both hands. "Bucky, I don't know what Tony told you, but everything will be okay."

He quickly pulled his hands off you.

"No, (Y/N). Not unless I leave," he moped.

"What are you talking about Buck?" Steve asked from behind you both.

"I'm a monster. I almost killed you that day and I don't want to hurt you ever again. I'm broken (Y/N). I'm shattered into so many pieces that I don't even have enough to make into one person. You deserve a full person and more."

"Oh, Bucky. You are not a monster," you reassured him, "Don't ever listen to Tony because he's full of crap and doesn't know what he's talking about. I trust that you would never hurt me. I know you have changed and you're a better person now. Before a couple days ago, I had lost everything and this job was all I had," you rested your hands on his shoulders and cradled the back of his head in your hands. "Now I have everything I need."

His eyes started fogging up and yours did too. He was so strong for so long that this was his breaking point.

"You don't have to go Bucky, I promise."

You tousled the hair at the nape of his neck. He let out a small hum and a grin spread across his face. You giggled and Steve laughed.

"You really like that snicker of hers, Buck?" Steve gestured.

Bucky's eyes locked into yours. This was it. His lips weren't trembling anymore. He was finally where he needed to be. He inched closer to your face.

"I really do," he smiled. He got closer and closer until you both closed your eyes. He gripped you gently around your waist. This was really going to happen. He was going to kiss you.

Before your lips could meet his, everyone flinched at the sound of metal rubbing together and fiery blasts heating up.

"Step away from the woman," one of Tony's AI robots demanded as it landed itself on the ground next to us.

Another one flew by and guarded behind Steve.


Bucky hesitated, but slowly let go of you. He inched away slightly as one of the robots held their hand out, blaster ready to fire.

"Leave now and you will go unharmed," it requested.

"No!" you yelled at the dead metallic body in front of you. "Tony! I know you can hear me. Bucky is not going anywhere. He is staying here, with me."

The robot almost seemed to tense up, like an exact replica of Tony. He was most likely overriding Friday and controlling it directly. The blaster glowed brighter before it spoke again.

"(Y/N), I demand you to move, otherwise someone will get hurt," it said again.

Steve reached out to you and grabbed your arm. "(Y/N), you know that I want Bucky to stay here as much as you do, but Tony is furious right now and could do anything if he's mad."

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