chapter 13

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(Bucky's pov)

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(Bucky's pov)

I let the heat settle and sorrow take over me. My head hung low as Tony seemed to watch me break down inside.

"I'll allow you to say goodbye, but then you're out, understand?" Tony pushed.

I didn't want to face (Y/N). Even if she didn't care for me, I cared for her. I couldn't bare to tell her goodbye. I wanted to stay with her forever. This was just the beginning of our friendship. But now it's ruined.

Because of me.

"Did you hear me metal brain?" Tony stepped closer, trying to make me look at him. "Don't make me kick you out without getting last words in. Go now or never."

I wanted to punch him in his perfect face. His perfect, smug, annoyance face.

I didn't answer him and went straight out of the room. Tony hesitated, but followed me soon after, giving space between us.

"Um, Friday?" I called out to the mysterious voice. I flinched whenever it spoke, I never knew where this person was or where they were talking from.

"Yes, Mr. Barnes?" the accent asked.

"Where is (Y/N) and Steve?"

"Up the stairs, down the hall, three doors to the left."

I rushed up to the dining room that Steve was setting up. I stood behind the door and paused. I felt weak. My hands were trembling. I couldn't tell her I had to leave. I just got here. Steve wasn't going to take this lightly either. Oh gosh. I didn't even think about Steve. Our friendship just started to rekindle, and now I was going to lose it again.

I almost completely forgot about my new arm and how they were going to react. I used my left hand and turned the knob.

I took a deep breath and walked in.


(your pov)

Your conversation with Steve was stopped short when you heard the door squeak open. You could not wait to see Bucky and his new arm. You were probably more excited about it that he was, to be honest. You and Steve stood up and you turned towards the door. Bucky walked in looking fresh and new. Like a normal person, you guess. You thought his face would be a little more excited, but maybe he was just tense from the new sensation.

You ran up to him and held your hand out. He looked at it for awhile before grabbing it with his new hand. It felt so real, it was freaky. You didn't want to admit it, but Tony did a good job. Your eyes lit up as the green shirt reminded you of how he looked in the old military uniform from the vintage photo. He looked so handsome, and it made your heart skip a little.

He took a deep breathe and just looked at you. He examined every inch of your face, and you examined every inch of his. He looked like he was taking in everything around him before speaking.

"(Y/N), I-" he was interrupted by Tony walking up behind him. Bucky tensed up and released your hand. Tony locked eyes with yours, and pushed into the room, nudging Bucky as he went. Bucky looked down at his feet and his eyes drooped.

You grabbed Bucky's hand and squeezed it a little. Something was upsetting him but you didn't know what. Maybe he doesn't like how his new arm looked.

"I think it looks really good, Bucky. Do you not like it?" you said, trying to get his eyes to meet yours.

He shook his head lightly, "No, it's not that. It's nice."

"Then what is it, Bucky? Oh, do you not want me touching you?" you asked, untightening your grip.

"No," he replied, grabbing your hand, "the problem is that...I do."

"What? Bucky, what are you-" you whispered before being interrupted.

Steve ran up behind you and looked at your hands, which were still being held by Bucky's.

"I see your arm works, Buck," he gave a mischievous smile.

Bucky didn't respond. You looked over at Steve and shook your head slightly. Steve understood something was wrong and backed away slowly after patting Bucky on the back. He walked back over the Tony, who was watching intensely at your interaction. Steve seemed to whisper something to Tony, which Tony shook his head and shrugged Steve off. Steve roamed over to the kitchen and silently stirred something in a pot.

"You know you can talk to me. Please talk to me Bucky, tell me what's wrong," you pleaded.

"I...I just can't (Y/N), I'm sorry. I wish I could but..."

"But what?" you tilted his head back and looked deep into his eyes. They were glassy and your heart stopped. This was serious. He was really upset about something.

"'s just, complicated," he mumbled, his lips trembling a little.

Before his eyes could water enough to say he was tearing up, he looked at Tony. His eyes were motionless and dead. Like the life had been taken out of him.

Tony just stood there with his arms crossed. You felt heat rise out of you as you bursted out.

"What are you looking at Tony?" you piped.

Tony's gaze was trying to silence you.

"Seriously though, what is wrong with you? You've been so weird lately and it's really irritating. I can't stand it anymore!" You interjected.

Steve dropped his spoon from the pot and tried to slow you down from engaging with Tony.

"No, Steve!" you held out a hand just as Steve was about to grab your arm.

"I want to know what has been stewing in your arrogant little mind these past couple days. I want to know why in the world you have been treating Bucky so poorly despite the fact that you assigned him to me. Wait a minute, now that I think of it, you sent me to stay with him. And now you are punishing him for something you are mad at me for, a reason that I don't even know of myself! I don't understand you Tony!"

You've never felt heat like this bubble out of you. Bucky seemed a little startled at how angry you got. Steve as well. You felt so protective over Bucky now,  and you felt that you needed to defend him. Especially if Tony was going to be a turd about it all.

You felt Bucky grab you arm from behind you.

"You get your hands off her!" Tony yelled, prying Bucky off you.

"Stop!" You shoved Tony's chest away from you.

"Get out of here," his eyes blazed against Bucky's, "Now!"

"Leave him alone, Tony!" you steamed. "Don't listen to him. Let's get out of here."

Steve coughed, "ahem, um, (Y/N)?"

"What?" you responded hastily.

Steve pointed a finger to the empty space behind you.

He was gone.

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