chapter 20

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Footsteps approached and you both turned your heads. Sam and Bruce were cruising in and stopped a couple feet from you.

"Good morning lovebirds. (Y/N), glad to see you awake," Sam grinned.

You nodded and smiled back.

"Yes it is very nice to see you awake. You healed much faster than we anticipated. We're glad to have you back," Bruce said. He went on to inspect a clipboard and turned to a screen next to you. "Your vitals look great, and your wound is healing nicely. I think you're ready to get out of here (Y/N)."

"Wanda and Steve are making lunch and we would like you two to join us since (Y/N) is well again. Shower, clean up, get dressed, do whatever and then meet us in the dining room at noon," Sam explained before spinning around and strutting out, Bruce sheepishly following.

"Do you need help getting ready?" Bucky asked while standing up.

"No thanks, I think I can do it on my own," you replied confidently.

Bucky held your hand steadily as your rose out of bed. You both walked to your room, with you still in a white gown. He helped you to the bathroom and got the shower ready for you. He hung up a fresh towel, set out some new clothes, and walked to the door.

"Thank you," you said before closing the door.

Bucky replied with a smile and turned on his heels and waited on your bed.

You locked the door, undressed carefully, and showered. It was hard to shower without getting your side wet. The water was warm and heated up your body, unlike the frigid air conditioning outside. You washed your hair and wrapped yourself in the clean white towel Bucky had set out neatly for you. You continued cleaning up, brushed your hair and got dressed. He had set out a long sleeved burgundy tank and navy blue sweatpants for you to wear. It may not have matched but at least he tried. His effort to help you was endearing.

You stepped out and the steam from the bathroom emerged out with you. You felt as clean as ever and your skin glowed. Maybe it was just because it was so sticky before. Bucky stood up and stepped towards you. He wrapped his hands around your waist, just below your wound.

"You're so beautiful," he beamed.

"So are you," you giggled.

"Ah who is the dork now?" he laughed.

"Shut up," you retaliated jokingly. He held you closer as your head laid against his chest. You heard his heat beat steadily like a song. He rested his chin on the top of your head and his stomach grumbled. You laughed in sync with one another.

"Ready for breakfast, doll?" he asked.

"Absolutely. Plums?"

"You read my mind," he kissed the top of your head and led you to the cafeteria. You made a plate of eggs, bacon, and a few potatoes. Bucky grabbed a few ripe, purple plums, of course. He took your hand and guided you to a back room.

"(Y/N)!" Steve jumped out of his seat. He grabbed you and pulled you in close for a giant hug, almost spilling the plate of food in your hands. He slightly bumped your side and you winced.

"Oh sorry (Y/N), are you okay?" Steve quickly asked.

"Yeah yeah Steve I'm fine," you reassured.

He pulled you back into the hug and took a deep breath. "I'm so glad you're okay."

He released you slowly and you looked up into his eyes and mirrored his wide smile. Nat walked over and hugged you as well.

"I heard what happened. I'm glad you're okay too," she grinned.

Bucky came up behind you and put his arm around your shoulder while trying to juggle all three plums in his other hand.

Sam leaned over, "Yeah (Y/N), without you we don't know what we have done with all these plums. Nice to see you well and helping Bucky boy regain his appetite," he joked.

"Good to see you too Sam," you giggled. All five of you sat down together. Everyone started eating their breakfast when Steve spoke again.

"So Bucky, will you and (Y/N) be joining us later? Wanda and I are making lunch, and she offered to show me how to make chicken paprikash. I have absolutely no idea what it is, but it sounds good," he laughed.

Bucky looked over at you and smiled. Your heart fluttered again. You didn't think it would give such a strong feeling everytime it happened, but it did. Every pitter-patter your heart made when Bucky said something or looked at you was just as strong as the last. Was it even possible to get used to the feeling?

"We'll see you there," you answered.

There was a long silence once everyone finished their plates.

"So," Natasha spoke up," I don't mean to bring up the elephant in the room, but what are you going to do about Tony?"


You totally forgot about Tony. Everything this morning was going so right that you forgot what was next. Bucky squeezed your hand and waited for you to respond.

"Well, I'm not sure. How has he been? Did he visit me at all? Is he still here?" you pondered out loud.

"He snuck in the day after to see you, but when we watched him on the security cam, he ran out of the room a little while after. He seemed pretty upset," Steve explained.

"Do you think he's changed his mind at all?" Bucky inquired, staring Steve down.

Steve just shook his head. "I don't know Buck. But what I do know is that he's probably done yelling. I'm sure all that needs to happen is for you to go talk to him (Y/N)," he answered.

You shook your head. "I should, but it doesn't feel right going to him first. If he wants to apologize for being an idiot, then he can come to me and do that," you sighed softly, "I'm not going to give in to him anymore."

Everyone silently nodded their head.

"I'm definitely not going now though because I'm still in a good mood, and would like to be that way when we get together for lunch," you shrugged happily.

"Agree," Bucky added.

You all exchanged smiles and 'see you later's. You and Bucky spent the rest of the morning sitting by the window looking out at the field. You held hands and played with his hair, per usual.

Everything in that moment was perfect except the gut wrenching feeling of seeing Tony's face again.

You turned to look at Bucky to get your mind off of Tony. He gazed back at you as you watched his chest rise and fall, as that was your weakness. You glanced at his face and traced your hands over his jawline.

"You know what Bucky?" you asked playfully.

"Hm?" he replied.

"I think it's time for another shave," you giggled. His eyes lit up and a smile spread across his face. He genuinely liked your laugh and that wasn't going to change.

"God, I love you," he whispered.

"I know," you teased before he leaned over and kissed you.

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