chapter 21

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The smell of something savory filled the air. It was a little before noon, and you and Bucky were heading to the dining room for lunch with the others.

"Have you ever had chicken paprikash before Bucky?" you asked, hand-in-hand with him while strolling down the halls.

"When I was in Bucharest, I did have it a couple times. It's really good when you make it right," he mumbled.

"I guess you stumbled upon some bad paprikash at some point?" you laughed.

"You have no idea," he replied, smiling right at you.

You both got closer and closer to the smell of spicy paprika and flavorful chicken. Bucky held the door open for you and followed you into the dining room.

Wanda surprisingly greeted Bucky first before you. "привет Баки, приятно видеть вас снова (Hello Bucky, nice to see you again)," she grinned while adding ingredients to the dish in front of her.

"Вы тоже Ванда (You too Wanda)," he replied.

"You met Wanda?" your eyebrows furrowed a little bit.

"Yeah, we met the day after you, um" he trailed off, "the day-"

"It's okay Bucky. I'm glad you two can talk to each other," you reassured him, resting a hand on his arm.

Steve stepped out of the pantry holding some salt and pepper shakers in his hands. "I thought I hear talking," he smirked.

"Heyya Steve," you stepped over and gave Steve a quick hug. Steve looked back and nodded at Bucky. You assume thats how men greet each other. Quick nods and abrupt grunts.

Sam busted through the doors, and took a big whiff of everything going on.

"Mm what's cookin' good looking?" he winked.

"Excuse me?" Wanda retorted.

"Easy Wanda, I was talking to Steve," he winked again and chuckled as he stepped closer to the table. "But seriously though, what's for lunch?"

"Chicken paprikash," Steve answered.

Sam squinted his eyes," Chicken papri-wha?"

Almost immediately, vision flew through the room without opening the door. He was adorned in a grey sweater and khaki pants.

"Paprikash is a traditional Hungarian dish. Its name originates from the extensive use of paprika used in the sauce. The chicken is simmered and cooked in said paprika based sauce," he stated monotonously.

Sam nodded and Wanda continued to set up the table.

"Dinner is served," she declared, placing the tray of parpikash on the center of the table. Natasha soon after arrived and sat down next to you and Bucky, with Wanda, Vision, and Sam on the opposite side. Steve sat at the head of the table and passed the dish around to everyone.

"This is absolutely delicious Wanda," Nat admired.

"Спасибо (Thank you)," Wanda responded.

The room was pleasantly quiet, meaning everyone was enjoying their food.

"Ah, but I couldn't have done it without my Sioux chef here," Wanda continued, pointing to Steve.

"All I did was hand you the forks and knives, this was all you Maximoff," he replied.

Wanda blushed and started cleaning up the table. You lent her a hand and grabbed the plates and cups in front of everyone and put them in the dish washer.

"Thank you (Y/N)," she said, placing a hand on your back.

"No problem, you cooked so the least I could do was clean," you smiled.

She turned back and started hand-washing the pots and pans. "You've got a good one, you know," she whispered.

"What are you talking about?"

"Bucky, he's a good one. I can see in his heart. He really loves you," she mumbled, looking back at Bucky. "Never let him go."

"I promise," you blushed and couldn't help but smile. "And what about vision? He seems to be taken by you."

It caught her off guard and she paused, "You, you really think so?"

You smirked and gave a quick nod, "I really do," you laughed quietly. Vision slowly crept up behind you and offered to help finish the dishes. Normally, you would have refused, but you really wanted them to get together. So you scooted aside and winked at her quickly. She blushed and turned away and started chatting him up.

You strolled back over to the three boys to see what they were talking about. Probably just grunting at each other as men do. You snuck up behind Bucky and wrapped yourself around him from behind. You nuzzled your nose between his shoulder blades and tried to join the conversation.

"So I was like, 'No Scott you cannot follow me on instagram'," Sam snorted.

"Is this really what you guys are talking about?" you whispered, half-giggling in Bucky's ear.

"Honestly, I stopped listening a while ago," he let out a soft chuckle.

You just held onto him and enjoyed watching him interact with others. Watching him and Steve roll their eyes at Sam's jokes, Sam roll his eyes when Steve and Bucky mentioned anything that started with 'well back in 1940-something', and anytime something made Bucky laugh and caused his whole body to shake against to you.

Nat walked up next to you and listened intently for a couple seconds before getting bored. "Are you really listening to these guys?" she laughed quietly.

You just smiled and returned your cheek to being flush against Bucky's back. She shrugged and patted you on the back. She walked over to Wanda and thanked her for the meal, then she tiptoed out of the room and out the door. Vision thanked Wanda again and Wanda blushed from a far. Gosh, they were so cute. Vision floated out and Sam followed.

"You ready to go, Bucky? You can keep talking with Steve if you want, I don't mind. I'll just go back to the room, I might take a quick nap," you rubbed his arm and awaited a response.

"Are you sure?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Positive," you kissed him and would have kept going but pulled back because Steve was right next to you two. You could feel Steve smiling and Bucky's cheeks turned a shade of pink.

'Love you', he mouthed. You smiled and turned a shade brighter than him.

"See you later Steve," you waved and backed up, "and thank you so much for lunch Wanda, it was really good."

Wanda smiled and led you to the door.

You turned to Wanda just before closing the door, "You make anymore meals like that, he'll be yours like that," you snapped.

Wanda laughed and shook her head. She raised a finger and the door closed in front of her. You wandered back to your room and plopped yourself on the bed.

Something creaked behind the wall. You could hear breathing. It was quiet and faint, but it was there.

"Hello?" you sat up in bed and turned yourself towards the noise. A figure turned the corner and stared you blankly in the eyes.

He was unmistakably the last thing you wanted to see.

Yet, there he was.

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