chapter 6

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Friday led you to the other side of the building where all of the Avengers stayed. The East wing was for staff, but down in the West wing was where the Avengers lived and trained. As you were walking, people kept giving weird looks to Bucky, who was following close behind. You turned back to his face, and his eyes were following the ground. He could feel his face burning from everyone's stares. Not only was he the infamous Winter Soldier, but he was also missing his unmistakable metal arm. He looked a little self-conscious, so you backed up a little and wrapped yourself around his other arm. He turned to you and his entire expression changed. This is what he needed. This is what was missing from his life for so long. Affection. His eyes didn't leave your face as you led the both of you to the very end of a long corridor.

The robotic voice startled Bucky, "Welcome Miss (L/N), here is your room. It is stocked and ready for your stay. Please inform me if you need any help."

"Thank you very much Friday, we are good for now," you said as you released Bucky's arm and set down your belongings that were in your other arm. The room was absolutely gigantic, and you couldn't image what Tony's room must have looked like. The walls were white, but it was furnished with beautiful wood pieces and you lost count of how many mirrors there were. It was like a fancy hotel room. You glanced at Bucky, who was examining everything in the room.

"Pretty neat, huh?" You asked as he stared into his reflection of a giant flat screen tv.

"Uh huh. I've never seen anything this nice." You weren't surprised at his answer. This definitely nicer than the dark, cold interior of HYDRA bases.

Bucky walked over to the window and his eyes grew wide. "It's so green."

You snuck up next to him and watched his eyes trace the horizon. You've never really thought about it, but the grass was an exquisite shade of green. The grass went for what seemed like forever, with the perimeter blocked with trees, almost hiding the building.

He continued without breaking eye contact from the outside. "I was born in Indiana, and before I moved to Brooklyn, I lived in a small house on the outside of town. There was this one field I used to go to and just watch the sky," he paused and exhaled, "that was a more peaceful time obviously. Although I'm mad that I remember everything HYDRA did to me, I'm glad I got some good memories like those back too."

You turned to Bucky and examined his profile. The light from outside shone on his face and his features were enhanced. You could see all the hairs in his beard, and the creases in the corners of his eyes. And his They were piercingly blue. You had to say something before he caught you gawking at him.

"I'm glad too, Bucky," you scooted closer to him so that your shoulders were touching.

He broke his stare to look at you. His blue eyes were so bright. The blue almost matched the picture in his file. In fact, his expressions were almost exactly the same from the vintage photo. Everything except his long hair and ragged facial hair. An idea suddenly popped in your head.

You ran to to the bathroom and rambled through the cabinets. You made such as ruckus it caught his attention.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing?" He followed the loud noises coming from you.

You came out of the bathroom and held up a pair of scissors and a razor. His face scrunched up and knew you were up to something.

"What are those for?" he grinned nervously.

"I thought you could use a makeover. Put the past behind you, you know?" You waved the tools in your hands as his grin turned into a smirk.

"Do you trust me?" You teased.


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