chapter 19

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(your pov)

The atmosphere was cooler than normal as the air conditioning pushed you hair onto your face. Your eyes were closed and they felt like they were locked shut. You felt a distant headache but there was a pain in your side that covered it. It didn't hurt like before, not even close. But it was still tender. You pried your eyelids opened and focused your gaze. Someone was sleeping in the chair next to you.

The light from outside was still hazy, it was probably almost sunrise. You shifted around in the bed, trying to find an angle to lift yourself up at that wouldn't put strain on your abdomen. You winced and bit your tongue. You were able to grab an extra pillow and prop it behind you. You turned your head and saw that it was Bucky next to you.

Sweet Bucky. Your Bucky.

Your insides twirled looking at him. He was so cute when he was asleep. You didn't notice his face last time he was asleep next to you because you were pressed up against his chest. This time you were really able to look at him. His hand was sprawled out next to you. It looked like he was holding your hand before he nodded off. You shifted your hand and placed it on top of his.

Your cold hand burned against his warm one. He pulled back a little from the sensation, but stopped when he opened his eyes.

"(Y/N), you're awake. Oh god, your awake!" he quickly leaned over and hugged you around your shoulder as to not touch your wound.

Your chin fixed in the crook of his neck and you took in a deep breath. He pulled back, kissing your head multiple times before taking a knee beside the bed.

"How long was I out for?" you asked.

He paused and squeezed your hand a little. "Only a couple days. You're awake a little earlier than Bruce thought," he explained.

"I see. What did you do while I was gone?" you smirked.

"Waited for you to come back," he said with a joking smile.

"You are so cheesy, Barnes," you giggled.

His face lit up even more after hearing you laugh.

"And you have a weird laugh," he replied with a grin.

"Touché," you nodded.

"But I love that about you," Bucky added. Your heart pattered with his words. It sent a shock through your body that felt like it woke you up and stopped time simultaneously.

You could help but blush. He leaned in closer, just like he did in the field. Surges of electricity sparked in you as you involuntarily leaned in too. He grazed a hand behind your ear and tucked in the hair that was flush against your cheek. Your face felt hot as he inched in.

"I've missed you so much (Y/N), and I thought about saying this everyday since you were asleep. And now that you're awake, I can't wait any longer. I love you (Y/N)," he grinned like a little kid.

You couldn't describe the words of how it felt to hear him say that. You wanted to cry you were so happy. Your heart skipped a couple more beats, and you thought it might explode at any second.

"I love you too Bucky," you whispered. You couldn't take a breath after speaking because his lips were up against yours before you had the chance. You closed your eyes and took everything in that you possibly could. His newly grown in whiskers on his face brushed against your chin. His scent was sweet and musky at the same time. He tiled your face back with his hand and pulled you in even closer. He was so full of passion, it was bursting out.

You lips parted and he sighed shyly. You looked back into his bright blue eyes and just smiled. The infirmary wasn't the most romantic place for a first kiss, but in that moment, you'd never want it anywhere else.

He couldn't take his eyes off yours. You swung your legs and hung off the side of the bed, with him kneeling in front of you still. You lifted your hands and ran them through his hair. He hummed like normal and your heart hummed along with his. He scooted forward and laid his head in your lap. No one said anything for awhile and the room was silent. It was just your breath and his. It was pure bliss.

You twiddled your fingers and weaved in and out of his hair. He sat so still he seemed like he fell asleep right then and there. He was so calm and at peace. You stopped and lifted his head so his face was across from yours. You leaned in, closed your eyes, and kissed him softly on the forehead. He opened his eyes slowly and gazed right back. He must have been intaking every little thing like you were. Every little movement, every breath, every movement of your eyes.



Hey it's me again :) I just wanted to let you guys know I'm starting another story and would love for you guys to read it and let me know if you like it. I've already posted a couple chapters to get you started, and I will continue adding chapters of this story as well. It's called Unlimited (still working on the title), and please let me know if you like it or if you have any ideas about the storyline. Thanks for reading!! :)))

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