chapter 17

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(Bucky's pov)

After the Tony incident, I didn't think I could cry anymore.

I was wrong.

I held (Y/N) and didn't hold back. I pleaded for her to stay with me, but she passed out before we could get her inside. Friday was in the process of setting up the lab for her, so Steve told me that we needed to be fast. He shrugged her off of his lap and placed her into my arms. She was limp and was purely dead weight. But that didn't matter. She was going to be alright. She had to be.

I placed one arm under her legs and the other beneath her back. Her dark hair fell behind her and tickled my left hand. Her long strands stuck to the blood that was on my fingers.

Steve led me to the infirmary to bandage (Y/N) up. I don't think I've ever felt this much urgency before. My heart was pounding and pounding. We raced into past the doors and there he was.


His eyes were watery, which showed emotion, and I didn't think he had any. He paced towards (Y/N), almost about to touch her arm.

"No," I told him, and for the first time, he listened. I turned her body away from him and laid her on the table. Steve placed himself on the other side of the table and grabbed thick white bandages.

"Friday, contact Bruce. Tell him it's urgent," Steve told the voice in the walls.

"Yes, Sir," it replied.

Steve continued to cover (Y/N)'s wound until this "Bruce" came. He wrapped it until the blood was no longer seeping through the material.

"The wound is covered and pressured, but she won't last for long," Steve implied.

My body shuddered. She won't last for long.

Steve noticed his wording and shook his head. "Sorry Buck, I didn't mean it like that. We just need her to be taken care of as soon as possible," he reassured me.

I squeezed (Y/N)'s hand.

Oh, what I would give for that hand to be running through my hair right about now.

A man wearing a purple shirt with shaggy dark hair ran into the room. He didn't hesitate before walking up to (Y/N) and checked her abdomen.

"What happened?" he asked hurriedly.

Steve looked up at Tony and Tony stared down at his shoes.

"Tony? You? You did this?" the man, who I'm assuming was Bruce, said.

Tony didn't speak. He just hung his head low and shut his eyes.

"Yes," I told him. I looked back at Tony with disgust," yes he did."

"It was an accident, Buck," Steve interrupted. "Now is not the time to discuss it. We just need to get (Y/N) back again."

I nodded and slowly turned back to (Y/N)'s limp body in the table.

Bruce continued to pull an overhead scanner above her and waited for the screen in front of him to adjust. His face showed no emotion, typically doctor trait. They never want their patient to know if it's bad news. But if it was good news, a reassuring nod or maybe a small grin would be nice.

Bruce examined the scan and positioned himself next to me. "Her injuries are extensive," he started, "but she will be okay if we hurry."

My whole body got hot and my head started to hurt. My heart was pounding enough that I could hear it ringing in my ears.

"I suggest you go and wait for her. After I patch her wound, she'll wake up in a lot of pain. I'll be sure to give her some medication for it, but it would be better for you guys not to see it," he explained, gesturing towards the door.

Tony didn't make a sound and retreated out immediately. Steve walked over the me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "She'll be okay, Buck. I promise, Bruce knows what he's doing."

I didn't let her hand go. It was so soft, but so cold. I needed her to be okay. I don't know what I would do without her. She was my life now. And my heart leaped when I remembered what she said before.

Now I have everything I need.

I nodded and gave Steve a small grin. Before I left, I knelt down and placed a small kiss on her forehead.

"I wanted to finish that kiss from before, but this will have to do until then," I whispered before I backed out of the room with Steve strolling besides me.

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