chapter 22

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You were silent. You weren't going to apologize. He was.

"I heard Wanda made paprikash. I don't even know what that is. Frankly, I don't really want to.."

"What do you want Tony?" you flustered.

He paused and just looked into your eyes for a while. He sighed and then looked down at his shoes.

"I want to apologize for my behavior," he mumbled.

It was what you wanted to hear, but Tony saying sorry was a sight to be seen.

"Are you serious?"

"Extremely so. I was so caught up on making sure you were safe that I forgot to make sure you were happy," he said in a low tone. "If Bucky is what makes you happy then I can't stand in your way. However, I will be on the sidelines to tell you this," he paused and sat on the bed in front of you,"be careful. I love you (Y/N) and I would never be able to forgive myself if I let him hurt you again. I think-"

You grabbed Tony's hand and softly smiled. "Tony, I promise you he'll never hurt me again. Nothing he does will never ever be your fault. I trust him enough to know I'll be fine," you positioned yourself closer to Tony and rested your head on his shoulder.

"Do you mind if I speak with Bucky? I promise it won't be like last time," he assured. "I just want to say sorry."

"That's fine Tony, just be careful because he loves me an awful lot so watch your mouth," you teased.

"I don't doubt that for a second. He's a good one," Tony replied.

Your eyes grew big. He sounded just like Wanda. He's a good one. After all the stuff Tony went though, you were really proud of him for saying what he did.

You were a little worried what he would say to Bucky, so after Tony left, you followed him from a far.

Tony walked into the dining room and called for Bucky. You could tell Bucky hesitated because Tony stood alone for awhile before Bucky finally joined him. You hid behind a wall to see where Tony would take Bucky to talk. To your surprise, he took Bucky to the field.

Risky move, Stark.

You tiptoed and stopped behind the doors to the grass outside. You couldn't hear anything so you ran upstairs and into your room, which was directly above them. You quietly slid the windows open and listened intently.

"Stark, if you're here to send me away again, it's not happening. (Y/N) is-"

"The love of your life, blah blah. Look Barnes, I didn't come to try to separate you two again. I wanted to tell you that I am sorry that I was so unbelievably stupid before," Tony paused. "You make (Y/N) incredibly happy in a way I haven't seen even since before her parents died," Tony explained.

Bucky's face softened.

"She loves you very much, and I can see that now, in a way that doesn't make me frustrated to look at. It makes me giddy to see her happy, but I do have to warn you. Never ever hurt her again. You should know that she puts all her trust in you and believes it, which is a huge responsibility on your part. Do you think that's something you can manage?" Tony put an arm on Bucky's shoulder.

"I love her Tony, I have no choice but to care for her and watch out for her in the way that she needs. I would die before anything happens to her," Bucky pleaded.

You wanted to cry at Bucky's words. He was so sweet, so genuine. You wanted to hug him forever and never let him go.

"Good," Tony responded. "I won't always be there for her, and I will try as long as I can. But now, you need to remember this. No matter what, make sure she's happy."

Bucky nodded and smiled, "that won't be a problem."

Tony shook his hand, gave him a quick hug and patted him on the back.

Tony wandered back inside and Bucky stood and looked out onto the field for awhile.

You rested your head in your hands and leaned over the balcony. You whistled and got his attention.

"You love me, hm?" you teased.

"I thought we already went over this. I do," he answered, his face lighting up so bright. All the weight and tension was lifted off your shoulders and his. It was the greatest feeling to not have a care in the world.

"I know. I just like to hear you say it," you smiled.

He gazed up at you and his caramel highlights shone with light seeming to bounce off of each individual strand. His eyes were bluer than ever and your heart pattered and pittered and pattered over and over again.

"I love you (Y/N)," he sighed sweetly. "I love you so much."

"More than plums?" you giggled.

He chuckled and looked down at his feet and then back up at you.

"Yes, I love you more than all the plums in the world."

"Dork," you snickered before Bucky ran inside.

You heard footsteps run up the stairs and down the hallway into your room. He grabbed you around your shoulders and squeezed you tight. He kissed you on your head, and then your forehead, and made his way to the tip of your nose. He paused and breathed slowly for a while, only inches away from your face.

"I love you Bucky. Nothing in the world could change that," you whispered.

"Gosh (Y/N), why do you have to be so cheesy? Just kiss me already," he laughed.

You put your hands behind his head and kissed his deeply. You didn't think your heart would stop jumping, and it didn't. You laid your hands around his waist and placed an ear against his chest.

Pitter-patter. Pitter-patter. Pitter-patter.


Heyyy everyone!! I have finished my story and I hoped you guys liked it. It did go on way longer than I though, but I wanted to get as much Bucky love in there as I could. This story was kind of a tester to get the feel of writing and I really enjoyed doing it. Please comment and tell me how you liked it or if there was something I could improve on so I can be better in my other stories, anything and everything is appreciated :)))

My next story has a couple chapters published and is in the works. I'm so excited for it so please please please read it and let me know if you like it. The new story will have lots more action and I'm trying to put cliffhangers in there. If you do read it, you can comment anything you'd like, especially things you might like to see in the story.

Thanks again so much for reading and I can't wait for you to see more of what I've got :)))))))

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