chapter 11

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The glare of the sun shone through the window, waking you up. You squinted your eyes and let go of the pillow you were hugging. You rose up and rubbed your eyes to see Bucky sitting in a chair facing outside. He was eating a plum when he noticed your stare on his back.

"Good morning (Y/N). I got you some breakfast if you're hungry," he told you while pointing to a plate on the nightstand beside you. The plate had eggs, toast, and some apple slices. "I got you a couple things because I assumed you weren't a fan of plums for breakfast," he joked.

"Good morning Bucky. Thank you," you giggled. You stood out of bed, grabbed the plate, and pulled a chair up next to Bucky. "Have you been sitting here long?" you asked, chowing down on the apple slices.

"A couple hours maybe. I went to go get us some food and Steve was out in the main court," he explained.

"Did you talk to him?" you turned towards Bucky.

"I did actually," he nodded. "We chatted for a little. I asked him about the dinner plans you guys were making, but he didn't seem to know what I was talking about," he said, raising an eyebrow.

You looked back down at your plate and mumbled, "Oh, well that's uh, that's weird."

"Mhhmm," he hummed. "But anyways, he liked the idea and we'll be having dinner tonight."

"Did he say if Tony was coming?" you hesitated.

"No, but it doesn't matter anymore. I have to see him again when I get my arm, so.." he looked back outside, trying not to think about it too much.

"Yeah," you nodded. "Oh, so how are you feeling about your new arm? Are you excited?!" you said nudging him on the shoulder.

He shrugged, "Yeah I'm kind of excited. It will be a new start, and that's always something to look forward to, right?" he smiled at you, making your eyes light up.

"Of course," you grinned, making his face soften even more.

You both turned back to the window, watching the sun rise higher into the sky. You felt like you could have sat there forever. The sky was a bright blue and clear as ever, the air was calm, and Bucky was next to you. It was silent except for your breathing and his. Watching his chest rise up and down as he breathed was very calming to you. It was as calming to you as it was for Bucky when you would run your fingers through his hair.

You took a risk and reached over and started petting his head. You didn't look over at him, but just kept your head straight. He tilted his head back and you swore you could have heard him hum a little. He flinched when there was a knock at the door. It was already open so you immediately head familiar voice start talking.

"Good morning, "the voice said.

It was Tony, and you looked back with your hand still caressing the length of Bucky's hair. Tony glared at your hand, and then at you. You pulled your hand away slowly and looked down, making Tony huff. Bucky stood up and faced Tony. You did the same and gave Tony a concerning look. Although he was normally a little exasperating to most, Tony was always very caring for you. But these little huffs and sighs were really getting to you, especially when you didn't understand why he was doing it.

"You ready?" Tony blurted, ending the silence.

Bucky shook his head and you two followed Tony out the door. Tony remained silent the entire way to the robotics room. You entered the room and Steve wasn't anywhere to be found.

"Capsicle is setting up for some 'dinner' or something so he told me to get on with the attachment. (Y/N), you can leave if you want, this could take a little while. Why don't you go help Steve with his..thing,? or whatever..." Tony asked, setting up his tools on the table next to the arm.

"No, I'll stay with Bucky. I'm sure he would want some company," you reassured Bucky, placing a hand on his shoulder while he sat down in a chair next to Tony.

"No (Y/N), really. You should go," Tony asserted, his eyes blazing on your hand. The tension in the room was getting heavy, so Bucky broke the silence.

"It's okay (Y/N), I'll be fine," Bucky grabbed the hand off his shoulder and held it in his remaining hand.

You shook your head and gave him a smile. Then you looked up at Tony and glared back. You didn't like the vibe that Tony was putting out, but you didn't want to ruin it for Bucky either.

You released Bucky's hand and slowly backed out of the room in search for Steve. He was in the dining room on the floor above you. You jogged up the stairs and found him at the stove. Marvin Gaye's "Troubleman" soundtrack was playing as you greeted him.

"Hey Steve, what are you doing?" you said walking up behind him, patting his back.

"Just preparing some stuff for dinner tonight, which I had no idea about until this morning? When were you going to tell me about this 'secret dinner'?" he teased you, raising air quotes in the air as he said it.

"I know, I know. When we were talking in the lab last night, Bucky wanted to know what we were saying. I wasn't exactly going to tell him, so I just said that we were planning a dinner with us, Nat, and Sam," you explained, placing your face in your hands.

"That's okay (Y/N). We wouldn't want Bucky to think that you two weren't together, right?" Steve teased.

"Ugh Steve, why do you have to do that?" you giggled, making Steve laugh.

"Do what? There's no denying that there is something there between you two. He even told me himself that he felt a connection," he said turning towards you.

"Really?" you raised an eyebrow.

"Well not exactly," Steve shrugged, "but I can see the way he looks at you. He's not the most subtle, if you haven't noticed," he told you, making you blush and look down. "You make him happy. And not even in a way that I've seen before the war. This was a completely different kind of happiness."

"Steve stop. He's just happy about getting his new arm and not being held captive by HYDRA. I'd be pretty happy about that if I were him," you replied, shaking your head at Steve.

"I don't know, but whatever you're doing, it's working," Steve nodded.

He turned his back to you again to check the stove, but you couldn't hide the giant grin spreading across your face.

When Steve was done preparing, you both sat down at the dining table and chatted for awhile. Friday reported to you that everything was successful in Bucky's attachment, and that they were practicing multiple tests in the lab.

"It'll be weird to see him after this. It will be as if nothing ever happened and he's a smiling Sergeant back in the forties again," Steve reminisced. "He's got new arm, a new look, and a new girl. Life couldn't get better than that, could it?" Steve put his hands behind his head and rested his feet up in the chair next to him.

You didn't want to call Steve out again, but it made you feel some type of way being called "Bucky's girl". You just soaked in the moment and let your cheeks turn pink.

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