chapter 8

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"The guys will get a kick out of this. I mean you were good looking before, but now you're definitely giving Steve a run for his money," you jokingly said while tugging on Bucky's arm.

"No (Y/N), come on," he said, blushing a little.

You wanted to show the others Bucky's new look, but he was a still shy about his appearance. You ran your fingers through his dark hair, trying to fix it up a little. He closed his eyes and breathed in. You swear he was like a dog, because whenever you played with his hair he got all soft. You discovered tough guy's weakness, and didn't want him to know you found out. You smirked a little as he opened his eyes back up again.

"Please Buck, Steve has been eager to see you, but he wanted to give you some space after you woke up. I think we should go see him now."

He froze for a little while pondering your words in his mind. He nodded and met your eyes. He gave you a grin and you lifted him out of the chair he was in. Bucky shivered as the sun started to set in the sky. He was still in the white shirt from before, and not going to lie, he looked good. You could tell he was a little chilly, so on your way out, you grabbed a long-sleeved army green shirt from the closet that Friday had stocked for you guys. The color reminded you of the uniform he wore in the picture when he was a sergeant forever ago. You handed him the shirt, but he stared up at you blankly and started to chuckle. You realized he wasn't going to be able to put the shirt on with one hand. But this was kind of your job now, so you didn't hesitate.

He avoided eye contact as you slipped the white shirt he had on over his head. Under all that black armor, you would never had guessed his skin would be so soft. You tried to look at him but you could see his cheeks get red as you fitted the new shirt on him. One arm went in, and then his head went through the top. You stopped when you realized you grabbed him a long sleeved shirt, yet he only had one arm. You didn't want to make him feel defective so you didn't bring it up. Instead you slipped his shoulder in and confidently tied the end of the sleeve in a knot. He was still staring at the wall, so you fluffed his hair again. His face relaxed again and it took everything in you to not snicker at his reactions. You ran your hands over his face in search of a stray hair you may have missed, but you secretly knew nothing was there. He was so soft and you didn't want to stop. You had to pull your hands away before his eyes looked up at yours again.

You rubbed his bad shoulder and smiled, "There...perfect."

He thanked you with a nod and a childish smile. You led him out of the room and and closed the door behind you.

"Friday, where are Steve and Tony?" you asked while looking up to the walls.

The robotic accent always seemed to come out of nowhere. "They're on the third floor, East wing. They are in the robotics room. Would you like me to alert them of your arrival?"

"Wait, we are meeting Tony too?" Bucky turned to you and whispered, thinking that the robot voice would be judging him.

"Oh, right. Sorry Buck, I forgot to tell you. He's probably with Steve working on your-....erm.." you caught yourself, knowing you hadn't told him that Tony was the one making his new arm.

"Oh. I see. It's fine (Y/N). I think I'll just stay in the room after all," Bucky turned away slowly back towards the door.

You grabbed his hand before he could leave. "No Bucky, listen. I know you guys had your bad blood, but he really is a nice guy. I promise you won't have to talk to him. At least go up there for Steve. I'm sure he wants to see the look on your face when he shows you your new arm."

He thought about it for a second, and then turned back to you.

"Good. Friday? I would like you to tell them we are on our way now," you declared.

"Yes Miss (L/N), right away." The voice dissolved into nothing. You noticed you were still holding Bucky's hand. He noticed too, but didn't seem to mind.

The two of you took the elevator to the third floor and walked to the East wing. On your way over, you reminded Bucky how much Steve missed him and how much he wanted their friendship back. Bucky's feelings were just the same, maybe even more so.

"I just want to warn you that I've seen the arm before, and I think you're going to be very pleased," you smiled at him behind the door.

"Well you've proved yourself with my hair, so how could you go wrong?" he winked at you, making your heart flutter.

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