"Pick any locker in school"
"Uh okay this one,1583?"
"I dare you to make whoever picks that locker fall in love with you and break their heart at the end of the year"
"No problem"
We had been staying at the house all weekend long and we were getting ready for school. "Damn dude like we got a house" (if you don't get those then f you)
"I know" he replied and got up "school come on" I reluctantly followed him "we're only slightly late" he smiled
I just nodded as we pulled up. "I'm scared" I muttered so he couldn't hear.
"I'll meet you outside the cafeteria ok?" I nodded my head hung low as I walked into math. Everyone stared.
"Lana" the teacher said smiling sympathetically "mrs brooks" I replied "would you like me to tell Cameron and Sara you're in today" she said I shook my head sitting my seat.
Nicole's stare was never broken. "Lana are you still down to coming over and doing prom prep?" Maggie asked I nodded simply "I wouldn't miss it for the world" I grinned she hugged me and sat back in her seat.
The day slowly came to an end and I went over to Maggie's agreeing to be civil with Nicole. "So, we have final date options and then the seating plan" Nicole began.
"So I was thinking we have our main table like in the centre" Maggie said "yeah who's on our table?" I asked
"Well Mads and Jack, Maggie and Taylor, Me and Shawn You and...
"Sam" I interrupted "and then our brothers and their dates obviously" Nicole said I nodded "we are definitely having king queen duke duchess right?" I asked Madison nodded "of course, so have you guys got your dresses? We're all matching right?"
We all nodded "so I think we are done" I said "me too" Nicole said I gave both Maggie and Maddison hugs goodbye. They're both more innocent versions of Nicole and I which is why there dresses are more opaque and cover more then ours.
I went straight home to see Cameron and Sara. Sam and I agreed to only stay out our house on weekends until graduation. "Sup Dallas Fam!" I yelled
Both came sprinting down and hugging me. "Your prom dress is hung in the closet" Sara said I nodded and walked over. Imagining what we'd look like.
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The nude dress hung beautifully with silver detailing along the sides of the bodice and all the way down the skirt. "Oh my" I gasped. I tried it on and felt so pleased with myself. I looked bomb.
"Sara come look!" I squealed she ran up and her jaw dropped "oh my sweet baby Jesus" I hugged her. "Thanks doll" I said.
It was 8 pm and I was finishing up the last of the prom details Cameron sat beside me. "Lana, I'll hurt Sam if he hurts you you know that" I nodded "please just not right now him and I, we're okay now it's fine I love him and he loves me thanks for looking out for me though" I said and hugged him.