5. Somebody Else

830 67 21

Songlist: Somebody Else - The 1975. Live Upbeat Jazz 🎶

October 26th 1968, New York City.

It had been a long night for Jaime after her encounter with Lana.

Even though she had finally explained the singer about what happened with the letter, it hadn't made Jaime feel more at ease about it at all.

The young girl had been rolling in her bed sleepless all night, replaying their conversation in her head until she couldn't keep her eyes open anymore. The sun started rising in the horizon and after her alarm went off, she got up feeling beat to fix herself a cup of strong coffee.

Her doorman had already delivered her newspaper, so she started reading the headlines as she drinked her coffee until she came across one that read 'Del Rey's comeback, page six.' Jaime quickly turned the pages until she found the article that talked about Lana's concert.

It mainly mentioned the chaos before the concert, when Lana showed up and the crowd and paparazi went mad. But also about how beautiful and epic the show had been. There were pictures of Lana singing, signing autographs, and embracing her fans.

Jaime smiled looking at this pictures. She had seen how sweet the singer had been with her fans the night of the concert. And she knew it wouldn't have been any other way because Lana had a really kind soul.

Jaime turned the page and a few  images of the singer walking hand in hand with Francesco appeared, the two of them at the beach, and another one of both of them kissing were in a spread that read 'Lana and her italian beau, Francesco Carrozini, last summer in Sicily.'

Jaime looked through the pictures feeling a sudden heat in her chest. Then she unwillingly had a flashback of Francesco kissing Lana in front of her.

She had never in her life felt such jelousy. The young girl hated the sole idea of thinking about Lana with somebody else, but then with a cocky prick like Francesco... Well thats probably the reason why she'd never looked for her pictures on gossip magazines or the newspaper.

Having the benefit of the doubt was better, but now it was too late. Jaime closed the newspaper angrily and went shower to take her mind of things and start her day.


Lana got back to her hotel with Francesco after having an early interview and photoshoot with Billboard Magazine. The concierge had left today's newspaper on their door, but Lana was too tired to read it and she laid down on her bed exhausted.

"I'll make some coffee." Francesco said grabbing the newspaper from the door.

"Thanks, I could really use one." Lana said rubbing her eyes.

Francesco aproached the table with the french press coffee machine and started brewing some coffee as he read the newspaper.

"Shit! Lana, you're on the sixth page of the times!" Francesco told her after going through some pages of the newspaper.

"What? I am?" Lana asked surprised.

"Right here, it's titled 'Del Rey's comeback'. He said showing Lana the article. "Look, I'm also here in the spread, there's photos of us in italy." Francesco laughed.

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