Chapter XXI (Funny Guy)

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Theatre District, March 10th 2022

Jordan is in a backwards version of Funny Girl. Broadway has broaden its limits. The musical is almost similar to the original. The "You Are Woman, I Am Man" musical number was cut. And the role of "Fanny Brice" is now called Franny Brice.

The show is in its second week, at "Imperial Theatre". Jordan is performing the "Don't Rain On My Parade" musical number. The director found the solution to the long problem in this number. Nobody could put a boat on stage. Either because of transitions or because of its difficulty to handle. This director chose to project a boat in the sea and there's a stair unit that leads to the boat. After "Don't Rain On My Parade", that is the closing number of the first act. I go to my dressing room and Roderick enters, along with the director.

Director – This was the best first act you have performed.

Director – Truly amazing how you can outdo yourself.

Jordan – Thank you Julien.

Director – Now you have to convey a lot of emotions.

Director – All of them connected to love and heartbreak. I know you can handle it.

Director – But I'm still anxious about your performance in "My Man".

Jordan – Julien, there's nothing to worry about. I can do it.

Jordan – I have my tricks.

Director – I just want you to be amazing.

Jordan – I will.

Roderick – Just a question! Wasn't the "My Man" musical number in the movie version?

Roderick – I've never watched it on the broadway version.

Director - Yes it was.

Director – But we had to cut "You Are Woman, I Am Man" because it wouldn't work in this production.

Director – We also cut the "The Music That Makes Me Dance", and "Who Are You Now" and replaced them with "My Man".

Roderick – Alright. Now I see.

Jordan – Could you two give me some time to be alone.

Jordan – I have to give a pep-talk to myself and I have to change costumes.

Director – Sure. Break a leg.

Roderick – I'll be on the audience, dear.

Jordan – Thank you.

Julien and Roderick leave my dressing room.

I look to the mirror and see my face. I'm pleased with it.

I found it funny that they made me use a prosthetic nose.

Because "Fanny Brice" is jewish and jewish people have big noses.

It's a bit stereotypical but they wanted that way. And I couldn't change their minds about that.

The words that the director said to me are echoing and running through my mind.

I have to convey love and heartbreak. How much love did "Fanny" felt for "Nicky Arnstein".

How did she felt when they agreed to separate from each other but still with love in their hearts.

I remember the first time I met Roderick. We bumped in the school library.

He had a sci-fi book in his hands and I had the "Hamlet" book on mine.

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