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Mary's POV

I really enjoy patrolling the city. That is when Damian isn't my partner. He's constantly making little annoying remarks and clicking noises in the damn communicator. I've destroyed probably 10 at this point just because  he's so...well him.

"Grayson are you even listening?" Damian quips over the com. I breathe out harshly before pressing a finger to the com in my ear.

"No. Sorry, but not really." I reply with a sarcastic tone.

"-TT- I said keep a look out for jewel thieves. Some of the Penguins goons, in your area." Damian says, obviously pissed that he had to repeat himself.

"Alright boss, you got it." I muttered to myself and shot off into the sky and away from the dark alley I was in. My usually black hair ignites, leaving a trail of purple fire in my wake as I rise the the height of one of Gothams tallest building.

"You're going to give away your position." Damian hisses.

"Or scare the shit out of some pigeons." I say into the com, rolling my eyes.


I perch myself atop a nearby building and watch the streets below. There's a few cars and the occasional motorcyclist on the streets. It's a rather quiet night for Gotham. I scan the darker alleyways with my enhanced vision (being half Tamaranean has its perks.) I spot little Mr. Perfect in a fire escape on a building near the hospital. Hood up, scowl on. Like father, like son.

Suddenly I hear rumbling down the street and a vehicle moving very quickly. I squint to see better, it's a semi truck with two men with uniforms in the front. Must be the jewel thieves. I launch from my perch towards the road and land on top of the truck. I see Damian swinging on a grappling hook from the corner of my eye. I heat two starbolts in my hands and use them to melt and peel back the metal on the top of the truck. I jump through the hole I made and land between 3 very surprised goons and several sacks of jewels and money.

"Holy shit, it's an orange angel." One of them squawks.

"Try again, Hun." I say before decking him in the face. One guy behind me cocks his gun and I blast it out of his hand without looking. I spring into a backflip and kick him in the head. The last goon takes me by surprise and pins me against the wall of the vehicle. He holds a knife to my throat and gives me an evil, nearly toothless grin.

"It'd be a shame to screw up such a pretty face." He growls and I roll my completely green eyes.

"Don't worry about it, toothless." I smirk, heating up two more starbolts and throwing them at him. I kick him in the chest and he flies back, slamming against the opposite wall. I take a second to breathe and realize the truck had stopped moving. The door behind me opens and there stands Damian with his arms crossed.

"Took you long enough." I can tell he rolls his eyes.

"You know." I grit my teeth, gripping my hand on his shoulder to steady myself as I hop down. He grabs my elbow to help me all the while probably thinking of a speech to give me on stamina or some bullshit like that.

"I already called Gordon and Oracle." He informs me and I nod, taking in a breath.

"Alright, makes our jobs easier." I say, stretching my arms.

"Go get the jewels, I'll handle these men." Damian informs and commands. He begins handcuffing the groggy men and I start hauling bags of jewels off the the truck. My energy is being somewhat replenished by the moonlight, but I'll probably only be able to fly not shoot starbolts or move heavy things.

The commissioner arrives with Barbara in tow and relieves us of duty I guess you could say. Damian and I walk off together and the silence is comfortable and unnerving at the same time. Weird mix. I try to think of something to say, but Damian beats me to it.

"It might be smart to return to the Batcave before heading home." He suggests, but is probably commanding.

"Yeah, probably, you gonna walk?" I reply, noticing his lack of a vehicle.

"-TT- No, Grayson, but would you be kind enough to give me a lift?" He says, trying hard to be nice.

I hover ever so slightly off the ground, feeling an overwhelming urge to say no and just zip away.

"Hmm, well, I'm pretty drained right now. I don't know if I have the energy to carry you." I reply oh-so-sweetly.

"Alien pest." He spits. I feel my hair go up and flames and my hands clench at my sides.

"Entitled son of a bitch." I retort, my hair snapping and cracking with flames.

"-TT- your insults are like dust to me."

"Well then good for you, you little f-"

"Nightstar!! Robin!! Jeez, cut it out." My dads voice cuts me off. I see him jump from a second story fire escape right above us.

"She was antagonizing me." Damian deadpans.

I open my mouth to rebuttal but my dad shushes me.

"You were antagonizing each other. You're both adults now, why can't you act like it?" My dad scolds us and I groan, Damian clicks his tongue.

"Have you met him?" I say, rolling my eyes at my dad.

"Yes, Mar'i, I have. And would you be so obliged to just drop him at the manor?" My dad basically commands. I grit my teeth and hover over to the 150 pound sack of shit that is Damian who is holding his hand up. We lock our hands and arms together and I fly us both into the sky towards the manor.

I can almost feel his smirk.

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