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Damian's POV

The next time I see Mar'i, she's laying in a hospital bed in the ICU. They whisked her away from us as soon as she got here, doing exams and cleaning her up. She was admitted to the Meta Human Wing where she's sleeping soundly in a warm room surrounded by the people she loves. And me.

Cuts and bruises pepper her face and arms and probably the rest of her body. But I just want to believe she has as few injuries as possible. She seems to be fine though, her chest rises and falls rhythmically with ease. Her fingers and toes fidget every now and then. And her lips curve into a tiny smile when her mother coos to her and pushes the hair from her face.

Kory yawns and stretches her arms, glancing over to look at Grayson and I. She smiles sleepily at her sleeping husband then her smile becomes softer as her eyes land on me. Her expression was one of gratitude and affection.

"Damian. Thank you, for staying by Mar'i's side." She says, taking her daughters hand.

"It's no problem, she's my friend." I reply, stunned at how raspy my voice is.

"Mmm, well you guys seem to care about each other a lot." Kory says, going back to stroking Mar'i's hair as she sleeps peacefully.

A few minutes pass and Kory asks me for the time, I told her it was 4:45 AM.

"X'hal, I better wake Richard. We need to find a hotel." She says, gathering her things and gently shaking Grayson awake.

"Damian, would you like a room too? Or should I fly you home??" Kory asks, trying to console a groggy Grayson.

"I think I'm gonna stay here for a bit. Maybe the rest of the night. Never know when Mother is going to attack again." I say, slumping down in my chair and crossing my arms.

"Ah, smart boy. Well, thank you. Again." Starfire says, then she leans down and kisses the top of my head while cupping my cheek. At first I'm taken aback, but I recognize it as a motherly gesture. A true caring, motherly gesture.

"Geez Damian, are you trying to steal my wife's heart too?" Dick laughs groggily, taking Kory's hand and kissing it.

"You're delirious." I chuckle, and they both smile at me.

"Take care of our daughter, little boy." Grayson says in a deeper voice and I stifle a laugh as they both walk through the door and into the hallway.

I move to Kory's old seat which rests right next to Mar'i's resting figure. I examine her face when I sit down. A bruise rests under her right eye, on her cheek. Small, thin cuts pepper her tanned skin while a larger gash lays just above her left eye brow.

Her soft breathing comes out in whispers as her chest rises and falls with ease. I notice her nostrils twitch when a fly lands on top of her nose. It continues to twitch until the fly buzzes away, and I smile. I didn't know that Mar'i could be so...Mar'i in her sleep. If she were awake, she would've down the same thing to the fly on her nose. I know, I've seen it happen many times. It's quite literally the cutest thing in the world.

I can't believe I just thought that way about Mar'i. Mar'i Grayson.

I mean she's not that bad. She's not bad at all.

"Damian?" Mar'i's voice is scratchy and her eyes are drooping, but she looks to me and I swear I see some of the color come flooding back to her skin.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." I whisper to her and the corners of her mouth perk up quickly.

"You just said I'm beautiful..." She murmurs, sleepiness invading her tone and making her words sound even more innocent. She's probably loopy from her pain medication, as well.

"Ha, yeah I-I guess so." I smile at her, taking my gloves off.

"Hey...Dami, can you do me a favor?" Mar'i says, reaching for my hand that lays not too far from hers. I can't help but grin when she uses my nickname.

"Take off your mask." She says, her eyes opening a bit more.

"Why?" I ask with genuine curiosity, stroking the back of her hand with my thumb.

"Because I had this dream. And your eyes, they were the prettiest things I'd ever seen. I wanna know if they look the same in real life." She smiles, and her head rolls to one side and then her bright eyes meet my covered ones. Her expression is one of wonderment and I believe now that she is very heavily medicated.

"You've see my eyes before, what's so different now?" I question further, although I'm reaching to pull my mask off.

"Just let me see them, Damian." She grasps and squeezes my free hand.

I pull my mask off and she smiles softly at me.

"Yup, they're just as beautiful." She coos, reaching up to stroke my face. Ignoring the tubes in her arm. Her thumb caresses my cheek as I place my hand on top of hers, leaning into both our palms.

Her eyes start to droop when she blinks and her arm goes limp as she starts to fall asleep again. I place her arm by her side and slowly but surely I fall asleep next to the most  beautiful girl I have ever seen.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2017 ⏰

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