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Mar'i's POV

I wake up bright and early the next morning, well I guess technically not bright because the sun is barely over the horizon. I've been staying in my personal room at the manor instead of my apartment because everyone assumes I'm safer here, which makes sense but I still think it's bullshit.

I step out of my too-large-feeling bed and walk into the attached bathroom, my bare feet padding across the carpet onto the cold tiles. I hover above the floor because it's too cold for my liking. Being an alien has perks when you're not being hunted.

I lift up my oversized purple t-shirt to reveal the wound Damian stitched up yesterday and it's already half healed. I trace the scar with my finger and I get butterflies in my stomach when I remember the feel of his arms around me. When he held me before attacking the mercs and when he hugged me voluntarily.

Wait, why am I even thinking this??

I shake my head, hoping to shake the feelings out as well. Disgusting.

I strip down and step into the shower, making the water as hot as possible. I let it pour down over my tired body and long hair, only my hologram has short hair. I lather my hair with strawberry shampoo and the scent takes me back to my childhood. A time well spent with my parents. They hardly ever fought and the only times they did is the few times my mother had to return to Tamaran. Dad didn't want her to leave because he was scared she'd be killed. But she never was, just goes to show how much he loves her.

I rinse the suds out of my hair and wash the rest of my body with mango scented wash. It reminds me of Mom. She always smells like strawberries and mangoes and her attitude reminds me of the two fruits. I smile a little when I think of her. I also make a mental note to go to lunch with her soon, it's been a month since we've hung out.

Yes. I hang out with my mom, sue me.

I step out of the steaming shower and dry off, rather quickly I might add. Meaning it took me 10 minutes to dry off instead of 20. I redress in my big purple shirt and a pair of Star Wars shorts. My damp hair hangs down my back, making my shirt slightly wet and cold but I don't really care. I slip on a pair of slippers and venture from my room, half looking for Damian because I have a feeling he's awake. Him or Gramps.

I reach the breakfast nook which overlooks the Wayne Gardens and outside I can make out two figures, a man and a dog. I assume that 'man' is a boy, aka Damian, and the dog is Titus whom I haven't seen in a while.

Man, I really need to come around more often.

I grab two oranges from the table before opening a window and flying down to Damian and Titus.

He looks up to me as I approach him, oranges in hand.

"I see you're rested." Damian observes, throwing the tennis ball he was holding and Titus runs after it.

"Mm, yeah," I reply, landing and extending one of my hands which holds an orange, "brought you some breakfast."

Damian holds back a smile and reaches for the orange, he accepts my token of breakfast, I guess, with a nod.

"Might I see your wound?" Damian asks after a few beats after I had started peeling my orange.

"Oh, uh yeah, good idea." I stumbled and Damian eyes me, a smile tugging at one side of his lips.

I lift my shirt and hold it just below my boobs so he can investigate my stitches. His cold hands touch my skin and I shutter involuntarily. I know that little bastard is smirking at me now.

"Looks good, you should be fine in a few hours at this rate." He says, pulling away.

"Great!! And then we can keep looking for the League." I chirp and Damian's face twists.

"Mar'i, I actually don't think you should be..well looking anymore." Damian says slowly, trying but not doing a good job at not hurting my feelings.

"Well Damian, I think I should keep looking..with you." I say deliberately, crossing my arms as I say so. Titus comes running back with his ball and I take it from his mouth.

"I just don't want you getting hurt." He sighs, running a hand through his black, wavy hair.

"Ok, I guess that's somewhat understandable but since when do you care about anyone else's wellbeing?" I snip at him and throw Titus' ball.

"Since I found my father. And my brothers and sisters, Mar'i, I care about all of you. And when I say stay out of this fight, just listen to me, ok??" Damian responds, raising his voice to me and all of a sudden he seems bigger, taller...stronger.

I hold my breath for a second, realizing that I probably offended him, "Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't've said that. But this is my fight too, I mean the League is after me, directly."

He sighs, leaning his head back, "Mar'i you're going to get yourself killed." He says, voice cracking as he says my name and I could swear he's trying not to cry.

"Damian. I'm not, I'll be fine." I say, holding onto both of his shoulders. He looks me straight in the eyes and I stare back, and for the first time I take a good look at them. Dark green eyes, with light brown in the middle. Aged, wizened irises that hide so many secrets. Eyes that look tired at the edges and that look 70 years old in a body that is only 21.

"If you die, know that I will too. Because your father will have my head." Damian whispers, tucking a stray hair behind my ear and I notice our closeness and realize that if we were any closer we would be kissing.


Demonfire fluff?? I think yesssss!!! I really think they're starting to warm up to each other, and Damian doesn't seem to mind. I hope you guys enjoyed this part, I might update again within the next day or two just because it's Thanksgiving and I'm all about giving. Expect longer chapters from here on out, also!!!! Thank you guys so much for all the support, don't forget to click that vote button and leave a comment if you feel like it!! But really, please vote!!!!! Alrighty thanks for the read!!!!❤️❤️❤️

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