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Damian's POV

Father and I sit in his office, I in one of the leather seats and him in the chair behind his desk. We both read through the digital files I was able to obtain, I read through one of the two files I found about the League and Father reads through the only file I was able to find on the Court.

My father looks away from his computer which I see in my periphery and I look up from my tablet.

"You had an ulterior motive going into this gala, didn't you?" Father says, rubbing his chin. The scruff of his beard making a scratching sound on his hand.

"Maybe." I reply, looking straight forward.

"You knew the League was going to be there, you were doing work on the side." Father realizes, I expect him to be angry or frustrated but instead he smiles.

"Yes Father, but for good reason." I explain and he claps his hands together.

"That's my boy! Well what did you find?" Father asks, seemingly excited.

I look back down to my tablet, scrolling to something that I found very interesting.

"Well, Koriand'r was right about the Psions. And Lex, Mar'i said he was talking about living longer and there's information about the Lazarus Pit and also it's effects on Todd," I begin, looking back to Father and he hums a response and nods, "Mother and the Psions seem to believe that the Pit not only grants life but can give powers to powered beings. It can alter neuro chemistry which would be perfect to brainwashing. Used over time, however, it can truly effect someone's personality." I finish, remembering my Grandfather as I say the last part.

"Why would they want Mar'i?" Father questions, leaning forward.

"She's rare...I guess." I suggest and Father squints, deep in thought.

"She's also a Princess, and a Hybrid." We share a glance.

"A Hybrid. I bet they've never had their hands on a Tamaranean/Human hybrid." I formulate.

"Yes, but that can't be their only reasoning." Father suggests again, turning to his computer once more.

"Damian, gather all the information you can on the League. Talk to Kory, try to be nice about information from her past. Have Steph go on patrol with Mar'i tonight, we have work to do."


Mar'i's POV

"Guess who your patrol buddy is tonight!!" Steph shouts as I open my front door to let her in.

"I thought it was Damian?" I ask, brows furrowed but a small smile on my face.

"Well ya thought wrong. It's ok, I'll click my tongue so you don't miss him as much." She jokes, stepping inside my freshly cleaned apartment.

"X'hal Steph, ok well where are we patrolling." Sometimes the Bat has us go on patrol missions instead of regular surveillance of Gotham, especially if crime has been down.

"Well, he was going to send you and little lover boy out to Star City since he's feeling better." Steph says, flopping down onto my couch. My eyes widen when she says Star City.

"Star City? Any particular reason?" I ask her, remembering the information Damian had found about Star Labs about a week ago.

"Yeah, actually. Apparently there've been a few break-ins at Star Labs and like...I don't data mining or something." Steph briefs me and I take a seat next to her on my plush white couch.

"You mean hacks?" I say and she shrugs. I bite my lip and nod. Why Star Labs?

"Hmm, yeah but Brucie wants us to check it out for him." Steph sighs, dragging her hand through her blonde locks.

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