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Mar'i's POV

Damian and I both suit up before heading to Arkham. See, I have two suits (because I'm cool like that) I use my shorter, more exposing suit most of the time for patrol and emergencies that way it's easier to absorb sunlight. On days like today, since we should only be interrogating men, I decided to wear my long suit that my Dad designed. He designed it to match his and I think its dorky but it makes him happy when I wear it on patrols with him.

Damian and I decided not to tell Bruce or Dad where we're going and what we're doing. That would turn everything upside down. But in doing that, we couldn't take a vehicle so I flew us both down to Arkham Asylum.

I really friking hate this place.

The guard at the gate nods at us as we fly past, for obvious reasons. I gently drop Damian once we're at the entrance to the Asylum and hover slightly behind him. He looks back to me and I drop onto my feet and walk along side him until he holds the door for me.


"Thanks." I mutter and he nods sharply. A receptionist at the front desk sits talking happily with a blonde psychologist, but looks at us as we walk in.

"Robin and Nightstar, here for an interrogation." Damian says authoritatively. I don't really know what to do so I let my eyes glow a bit and let flames catch on the ends of my hair.

"Oh..um..yes there were two men who were dropped this morning." She stammers, pulling a file from a cabinet.

"Joyce, I'll take them back. My office is back that way anyway." The psychologist says in a heavy, New York accent.

"Oh thank you, Dr. Quinzel." Joyce breathes, obviously startled. Damian and I exchange a glance.

"Come on, kiddies." Dr. Quinzel chirps, plucking the file from Joyce's hand.

"Dr. Quinzel? As in Harlene Quinzel?" Damian asks, with what I think is awe.

"The one and only!" She chirps, with a flourish of her hand, her black heels clicking as she walks.

"Hm. I must say, your work is quite extraordinary." Damian chirps, and I'm shocked. He just complimented her. The world must be ending.

"Oh, well thank you. I try very hard." She smiles, looking over her shoulder to smile at him.

"Is the Joker progressing at all?" Damian asks, but it seems as though he's digging. Like a detective, not like he's interested. I don't think she realized this. But her steps slightly falter at the sound of "The Joker".

"Uh, oh yes. Mr. J is coming along quite well. I think we'll be able to start a less intrusive treatment soon." Harlene says, stumbling over her words slightly and Damian and I exchange another glance.

We walk in silence down another corner into a corridor with steel doors and small slit like windows in them. Dr. Quinzel waves away the guard of one door and slides her key card, gesturing for us to enter.

"Hope you kiddies have a fun interrogation. Toodles!!" She chirps before turning away and closing the heavy door.

"Well she seems nice." I say, walking towards the other end of the room where two of the four men sit behind a metal table. Hands cuffed in front of them.

"And slightly neurotic," Damian grumbles, "Which brings us to you." He growls towards the men.

I cross my arms and let my eyes glow green but they don't look intimidated at all.

"Why'd you attack my fr-partner here?" Damian questions, pacing. Did he really correct himself when he almost said friend? Dick.

One man, with yellow looking eyes I might add, replies in Arabic. I know very little, just some that I picked up from Damian through skin contact or some that he taught me, but I assume he said "We'll never tell you."

"Now that wouldn't be good for your health." Damian quips, cracking his knuckles.

The two men exchange glances before looking back to Damian.

"The girl, there's a hit on her." The other man, who has a full head of jet black hair, says in English.

"Why was a hit placed on me?" I join in, walking straight up to the table. Hands and eyes glowing despite my newfound anxiety.

"Talia forbids us to tell you heathens anything." The one with cool eyes says.

"I am Talia's blood and if you do not give us the truth you will give us your fingers." Damian spits whipping out a batarang. My eyes bulge and the two men jump back.

Aren't they supposed to be tough, though?

"Mistress Talia believes the girl to be useful. For many reasons." The man with dark hair says before the door and wall behind us explodes.

So I feel like some of these chapters are fillerish and that's why some are posted together or like a day apart instead of a week apart. Like I want y'all to have a cliffhanger effect with each chapter but I feel like I have to give you more of a part is fillerish. Not to worry though, there will be some very intense chapters coming up as I said. The plot is all laid out and I'm even planning a sequel. I know it seems really early for me to say I'm already planning a sequel but I just have this vision and I can see it working out. I just really want there to be more demonfire/damar'i fanfic. It literally pains me that it's so uncommon.

Thank you guys for commenting and voting it really does mean a lot!! Until next time!!

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