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Damian's POV

The room fills with dust and I see bright glowing green to my right signifying Mar'i's readiness. An alarm sounds and people start storming the room. I retrieve my bo staff and swing in front of me, hitting an intruder. Dust swirls all around but I learned how to fight in low visibility.

I flip backwards, behind another intruder, and hook my staff in front of them against their neck. I pull hard, and let them drop. Enough to knock them out, not kill them.

I hear Mar'i grunting as she throws punches and starbolts not nearly as aimlessly as I would've figured because she seems to subdue her attackers.

"Robin!!" She yells, probably trying to locate me.

"Other end of the room!" I yell back, the intruders in here are subdued. For now.

She makes her way to me.

"What about the prisoners?" I ask, scanning over her with my eyes for injuries subconsciously.

"I don't know. I-I think they're dead." She stutters, brushing hair and dust from her face. My eyebrows scrunch in confusion and I make my way past her.

I walk back to the table and there lie the two men, face down. Darts sticking out from their next. Poison tipped no doubt. I suddenly realize the alarms are still sounding and that probably means there are more pursuers. Likely her for Mar'i.

"Uhhh..Damian??" Mar'i says anxiously, as if on que. I jog back to her and look out into the hallway like she's doing. All the guards here seem to be dead. Or knocked out. Either way, they're useless.

"We can't leave." I say without much thought and she looks straight back at me.

"Damian no. These people, your people are here and out to get me." Mar'i reminds me, jabbing my chest with a strong finger when she says your.


"Mar'i. Yes, we'll go together. But head for the entrance. If there's anyone else here they're waiting out there." I say, recalling some of the leagues tactics. Mother referred the this one as the "Smoke out."

Mar'i hovers a few inches above the floor and I walk with light feet, staff at the ready. She holds a pair of eskrima sticks, surround with her pure fiery energy.

Along the hallways lie injured or maybe dead people. I check a few of their pulses and those people were still alive. That's reassuring.

We reach the last door before the entrance and I look out of one of the doors windows. No bodies lie out here. The receptionist is gone, maybe she fell beneath her desk. I thrust the door open and gesture for Mar'i to follow.

In the reception room there are two large wooden doors with stain glass windows on either side. We can't really see out and if there are people outside they probably can't really see in. Maybe just shapes moving.

"Mar'i fly us over in front of one of the doors, try not to pass the windows and do not move the door." I whisper quietly, formulating a plan.

"Uh. Ok." She says, confused, lifting me and flying over to the door and above the window. We avoid it perfectly.

I stand behind her and hold her in front of me. I feel her tense up and I can feel her heart rate pick up.

-TT- Hmm.

"Shh." I hiss into her ear and she nods. I twist the knob of the adjoining door and pull it open quickly. A spray of darts, crossbow arrows and bullets pour in and Mar'i turns into me quickly, burying her head into my shoulder and I hold her with both my arms. I tense up this time when I hear her whimper in fear.

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