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Damian's POV

"No." I reply without even thinking.

"Damian, please! I want to help find my almost captors." She pleads and I inwardly groan.

"Your Father would never let you." I insist, trying to think of every reason to keep her here.

Stupid girl might get hurt...or worse.

"He doesn't have to know." She shrugs, worry and determination mixed into her face.

"-TT- You must've hit your head pretty hard, Grayson." I retort and she quirks an eyebrow, crossing her arms as well.

"Well it's not like you're going to tell Gramps." She throws the words in my face and I'm taken aback for a half second.

She's right.

"Touché. However I will still not be bringing you with me." I state firmly but she still holds her ground.

"Then I'll just tell Bruce." -TT-

"-TT-" I roll my eyes and I can see her smirk.

"I think you're rubbing off on me a little bit." She quips, laughing at my utter frustration with her.

"...I hate you." I mutter and she smiles even wider.

"No, you don't. Otherwise you would've let me be taken away," Mar'i says moving closer and wrapping her arms around my waist, in a warm embrace, "Thank you, really, but I am going with you." She whispers into my ear.

I keep one of my hands at my side, balled into a fist, and I tentatively lift the other one to the small of her back. She rests her head on my shoulder, and I'm not as bothered as I thought I would be.

"You can release me now." I say softly but still commandingly after a minute.

"No, I'm good." I can hear the smile in her voice.


Mar'i's POV

Damian and I sit in the bat cave around a table with maps and file folders strewn about. We've been at this for an hour, reading all the information regarding the Leagues most recent attacks and sightings and all that. Well Damian's been at it, I keep getting distracted. By literally nothing.

I start spinning around in my chair just out of pure boredom. It goes faster and faster and I don't think Damian notices me because he's so absorbed by his maps. I put my foot down to kick up the speed again and I don't see where it goes. I accidentally kick one of the legs that's attached to a wheel and I go flying out of the chair. It happened so quickly that I couldn't even catch myself with flight. I tumble onto the concrete floors, landing in my butt and I hear Damian burst into laughter.


I sit up and close my eyes, waiting for the dizziness to dissipate and Damian continues to chuckle at my clumsiness. I open my eyes when I feel collected enough and his figure moves and sways in my vision.

"Come on, get up." He laughs, extending a hand to me. I grab it and take note of how just how calloused his hands are.

Why does he train this hard?

I stumble and he catches me when I stand. He huffs a short laugh and I hit his shoulder, but not with full force.

"Thanks Wayne." I say, finally laughing in spite of myself.


"Oh come on, you were laughing." I point out, sitting in the table and looking at all the maps and reports he's laid out.

"You've had your fun, now help me." He replies, clearing his throat but there's still a hint of a smile gracing his handsome face.

WAIT. What? Mari'and'r Grayson, what the hell? Disgusting.

"Ok, well, what do you need?" I say, leaning back and playing with my long hair since I'm not in disguise at the moment.

"Help me put these away, I have a good idea of where they might be." He says, taking a few papers and putting them in a folder for himself.

"Wanna tell me where?" I shrug, expectantly.

He sighs and walks over to the super computer, picking up my fallen chair in the process and looking at at me pointedly but jokingly. He types in what I can only assume are coordinates. And a large digital map zooms in on Metropolis.

"I believe, this is only a hunch, but I believe that some of Mothers men are stationed in Metropolis working with Lex Luther." He explains and my face scrunches in confusion.

"Allow me to clarify. Lex is hosting a gala soon, trying to expand LexCorp and is in need of protection. And he's not exactly known for having...nice ways of persuasion." Damian finishes.

"So he hired some of your Mom's goons to protect him as well as threaten to murder some rich people." I say more to myself than to him and he nods.

"They could also be in Star City, StarLabs is working on a secret project and they could be trying to steal information." He says, typing in new coordinates and Star City appears.

"And my last thought is that they're in Gotham, because you were attacked. But that blew four of their covers, because now those men are being held at Arkham. So if there were more, they're probably gone now." Damian says, leaning against the computer and it's controls.

"So, what are we doing first boss?" I ask, crossing my legs.

"Boss? Hm. Well, I figured we would start at Arkham since it's the closest. The gala is in a few days, and we will probably be sent undercover anyway." He states his plan and I nod, hoping off the table.

"To Arkham, then?" I say, gathering a few more papers to put away.

"To Arkham."

Hey guys!! Thanks for all the reads and support!! Every time I get a vote and/or comment notification I feel all happy inside and my will to write this story increases. I really really want to make this a good story and I'm trying really hard. I just want another Damar'i fanfics out there in the world because there's really not enough.

This story is going to start getting intense soon but it'll still be lighthearted, mostly because I can't be serious. I'm also trying to post fanart that fits with the chapters because why not and if one of the images happens to be yours please say so!!!!!!!!

I hope y'all are enjoying aaaaand if you're lucky I might post part 7 later today or tomorrow morning!! Alrighty, thanks guys💕💕

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