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So this is going to be a really long chapter lmao, and there will probably be a lot of long chapters from here on out because the plot is getting thicker..I guess??😂😂Idk, lmao ok enjoy.

Damian's POV

It's been two days since Mar'i and I spoke in the gardens. I hadn't seen her since that morning and assumed she had gone back to her apartment, considering she does have a cat and several plants to keep alive. Grayson, her father, has been taking care of them for fear that Mar'i will be hurt if she ventures to her apartment alone. I guess the Grayson's assume Mar'i would be able to return to her apartment since she's spent so much time at the manor, they must think that the mercenaries have been thrown off her trail.

They most likely are hot on it, but I wouldn't expect Mar'i, Kory, or Dick to know how the League works.

Doesn't matter, I have other matters to attend to. I sit at my desk in my room, laptop open to Lex Luther's file. He is hosting his gala tonight, and as I had suspected, father is sending us undercover. Us as in Mar'i and I. I feel an odd mix of emotions swirl inside me at the thought of seeing her. I grab the glass of water that has been sitting for the past hour, water beads and drops down the side and the cool liquid gets all over my hands. I drink at least half the glass in attempt to clear my head.

I must be delirious if I am thinking about that girl.

She hides in every corner of my thoughts now, he bright green eyes burning a hole in the darkness of my closed eyelids. As I said before, she irks me. Less than most, more than some but there is something about her that I cannot quite put my finger on. When she's around I gain a part of myself that has never seemed to be there.

My eyebrows furrow at my own thoughts and I finish the rest of my water, rising from my seat and turning off my laptop. The room around me is almost completely dark save for the slit of lit coming from between my partially closed black curtains. I push the two curtains apart and look out of the window, down to front yard of the manor. And there under a pine tree that my paternal grandfather planted, sits a calm looking Mar'i casually reading from a large book. Most likely a textbook, or it could be a book from Tamaran. Her mother often gives her Tamaranean encyclopedias.

I watch her for a few seconds before noticing that her normally, long jet black hair is burning purple flames and swirls above her head instead of falling down her back. I forget that she can do that. She must be completely relaxed then, if her hair is freely burning. The flames look rare and delicate, and I probably watch them flicker and swirl for too long but I can't help it.

Everything about her is alluring.

Why must my mind conjure these ideas? I think to myself as I walk away from the window and glance at my watch. It reads 3:24, the gala begins at 8 and we will be taking my fathers private yacht across to Metropolis. So now seems an ample time to get ready.

As if on cue, somebody knocks on my door and I open it subconsciously half-hoping that it's Mar'i knocking, but it's just father.

"Greetings Father." I say promptly upon noticing it was him.

"Afternoon Damian, just making sure you have your suit and mission plan in order." He responds, uncrossing his arms from behind him.

"Of course, Father. I am well prepared as always." I assure him, nodding my head once.

"That's my boy. We need that information on Lex's main endorsers. I'm hoping to find something on the Court of Owls." Father explains and I nod once more.

"No worries Father, you'll have your information." I promise, reassuring my Father and a small smile grows across his aging face.

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