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Mar'i's POV

"Steph!! Oh no.." I quietly curse myself. I hear Vick and Barry fussing over the comm and Stephanie's screaming. Although I'm not sure if she's coming through the comm or I can here her without it.

I quickly reach for my phone and snap pictures of the screens in from of me. I wonder how long I'm taking in the back of my mind and I think that maybe being around Damian so much has made me some what selfish. Usually I would've forgotten about the information and gone after Steph. But instead I stay here and take pictures of it.

I shake the thought off as I lift into the air and zip out the door. Following the sound of yelling and pounding as I quickly ascend the stair well.

"Mar'i!! Top floor!!" Barry shouts through the comm and I race upwards about two more floors and smash through the door leading into the top level.

There I see Uncle Vic trying to protect Steph as Barry continues to confuse and taunt the intruders. I zip into action, first going to defend Steph and Vic. I hover above them and blast two intruders back. Then I land in front of Vick and Steph and punch a female intruder in the face. I blast another to my right as Barry corrals four more into a tornado and uses his super speed to knock them out.

"Phew. That was close." Barry says, nudging an unconscious intruder with his foot.

"Yeah, a little too close." Steph moans and sits up, her leg and shoulder are bleeding profusely.

"Oh X'hal!! Steph, shit what happened?!" I gasp, sprinting to her side to help her up.

"Ah, just a scratch." She chuckles dryly, ripping pieces of her cape to make tourniquets.

"And it looks like we might be going home with about a thousand of those." Vick shouts as he points toward the broken glass ceiling.

"What do y-" I start to say as I turn my face upward, and then I see it. A missile heading straight for us. For this building. I instantly know what Talia's plan is and I begin to think of ways to make it backfire.

"It's coming in fast, we've got about thirty seconds." Barry spits out.

"We won't make it out, and if we do we won't be far enough away." Steph mutters quickly.

"No, shut up. Barry, grab Steph. You guys can make it out. Through the stairs." He zooms over to Steph and picks her up without much delay while she screams "NO!! NO I NEED TO STAY WITH YOU!!"

"Go now!!" I shout, glancing upward to see the missile which can only be ten seconds away.

"Go on, kid!! What are you waiting for?!!" Vick yells as I grab onto him and pull him up with me as I lift up into the air through the broken ceiling rather quickly. But not quickly enough. I throw Uncle Vic as soon as I reach the roof. There's an explosion, warmth, then darkness.

Damian's POV ~2 hours later~

My ears are ringing. They've been ringing for about 10 minutes now. I stand here, alone in the middle of the street while Star Labs and surrounding buildings continue to smolder.

Father and Kory sift through the rubble along with Victor Stone and Barry Allen. After the explosion, Barry took Stephanie to the nearest hospital so that she could have the bullets removed and he returned as quickly as possible to try to find Mar'i. Victor began looking for her as soon as he hit the ground and got his head right.

This had to have been my mothers doing. It only makes sense. Mar'i goes on a mission with people my mother sees as only expendable. Knowing that she could send her minions to try to kill Steph, Victor, and Barry then take Mar'i or bomb the whole place and take Mar'i because she would survive the explosion. Or at least, she should've.

Firemen, police, and our families have been looking for her 2 hours. I had only found out she was missing 10 minutes ago. That's when my ears started ringing. I couldn't bring myself to help, knowing I could break down. Starfire could see that on my face and suggested that I should sit down. Take it in.

"Starshine..?" I hear weakly through the comm, it's Grayson. I turn towards the pile of smoking rubble to see a cluster of people forming and I break into a sprint.

I push myself past bystanders and firemen and past every one else until I'm standing next to father and Starfire.

There she is. A bloody, soot covered girls lies amidst charred wood and blackened crumbling cinderblocks. She groans as her bright green eyes slowly open.

"Quick!! We need a breather and a stretcher!!" Father yells and the emergency service workers hurry to gather those items.

"Mar'i, can you hear me?" Kory says slowly to her daughter as she kneels beside her.

"Mom?" Mar'i tries to say but it comes out more like 'mun'.

Just then, a fire man pushes me back to place the stretched down and loads Mar'i onto it with the help of an EMT. Together, they lift her and I can't help but watch her hair as she's being taken away. I expect it to ignite, like it always does. But it instead sways lifelessly in the stale breeze of the nights air.
I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG FOR ME TO UPDATE!! Like very truly, I feel awful. I hope this chapter is ok, I might post a few more just because I feel so awful so stay tuned!! Thank you so much for all the reads and likes and all those good things!!! It means so much that y'all stayed true even when I wasn't updating, so thank you!!

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