Chapter 19

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AN// I'm not promising much but I think I have left my creative depression/writers block. I've wrote out the entire plot so I actually have direction and something to fall back on when I'm feeling mentally drained of ideas!!11 However, I've left room for cute fillers like room for date ideas,  if you wanna see any scenes in particular please comment! Like maybe they go to the movies..etc111//


The whole house was filled with a cloud of teenage sweat and the scent of alcohol. No one was sober enough to be sickened by the atmosphere, no one except from me. Josh was holding his 5th,6th,7th cup of alcohol? He'd drank so much that I'd lost count. I felt horrible because I had been powerless to stop him. He hadn't seemed that drunk, well not until now that was. Five minutes ago he was fine, he was dancing like an idiot maybe, but he was still in control, and by control I meant not viciously retching every time he went to speak. But now he certainly was not in control, and he had threw up onto my shirt.

Josh had started to cry and tried to rub away the stain when he realised he had ruined my shirt, it was getting to the point where we were both equally as embarrassed and I finally decided intervention was needed.

"Josh?" I shouted as softly as possible, I couldn't even hear myself think above the speakers.

Tears still pattering along his cheek he nodded in response.

"I think it's time to leave don't you?"

Josh nodded once again. I grabbed him by the hand and pulled him away from the crowd.

"Come on, lets find a quiet room so I can call my mom"

I opened the nearest door I could find that was secluded away from the noise, judging by the posters on the wall the room didn't belong to anyone over the age of 20.  I placed Josh down on the bed so that he didn't try to ruin any other article of clothing I was possessing.

My fingers fumbled across the unfamiliar key pad, "Mom?" I said bluntly, "Can you come and get us please?"

"What's the matter honey?" her voice trembled a little," I know it must be serious because this is the first time you've called.

"It's not me, it's Josh. He threw up on me and I don't think he's finished"

Kelly laughed softly down the phone, "Bless you both. We've both been there, tell Josh to not be embarrassed ok?"

"I'll text you the address now, can you please hurry? He's crying on the bed"

I ended the call and looked over my shoulder to assess the current situation. Josh was curled up in the bed sheets and was snoring softly. I smiled a little before walking over to tap him on the shoulder,

"Psst," I whispered, "I know you're not really asleep"

Josh grumbled drunkenly and threw his pillow at me, "Hey that's not fair!" I squealed, throwing the pillow back in his direction. "Anyway, Kelly is coming now, we can drop you off at home"

Violently, Josh shook his head "Please, Ty" he purred, eyes as wide as the open sea, "Don't make me go back home"

"Why?" I said trying to not sound too harsh, Josh had started to sob again.

"My Dad will kill me if he knows I'm drunk"

"You're ok to get drunk though, physically I mean? You don't have a problem with it?"

"My dad's just strict" he snapped before yanking the cover back over himself.

"Josh you cant go to sleep in Brendon's bed, we're leaving soon"

Josh grumbled something that was too muddled to be thought of as standard English. 

Out of nowhere he brought out his arm and pulled me under the covers alongside him. Josh cuddled me as if I were a teddy to a child. But I cursed, I knew the sick on my shirt was not dry and it had probably stained Brendon's sheets. I wriggled my body in attempt to escape Josh's grip, but his arms had more muscle mass in them then I did in my entire body. Josh wedged his chin into the curve of my shoulder and began to breathe softly, the hairs on the back of my neck jumped up in shock.

Josh's breathing was hard, I felt his chest rise and fall as it collided with my back. It was good to know that he was still alive and well. Five minutes had passed since I called my mother, she was still no where close, but truthfully I didn't mind that much.

"Ty?" Josh whimpered from behind.


"I'm sorry that I ruined your night"

"I wasn't here to have a good time anyway"

"Yeah but," he paused a little, I could feel his breathing pattern change as he tried to formulate a response, "I wish I could have helped you have a good night"

"Its not totally ruined," I paused and laughed to myself, "Unlike my shirt"

"I'm really sorry about that, we can go shopping soon and I'll get you a new one OK?"

"Its fine Josh, really I was joking"

Josh had started to cry again, his mood swings were becoming worse than mine. "Its not okay Ty, it was a great shirt"

"Yeah, yeah it was a great shirt"

His tears had started to dampen the back of my polo, they were now presenting themselves in floods. I quickly swung my body around so that I could see Josh in all of his glory, his eyes were red and his cheeks blotchy. Josh released me from his grip and let me outstretch my hands. I wiped his tears with my thumb, after I'd wiped them away we were left staring at each other with empty eyes. The tension was unbearable,I gulped and faced away.

Josh was not happy about this. He yanked me back and pulled me even closer, he planted the most ill fitting, sloppy kiss on my lips. Josh's cheeks immediately became plagued with a shade of crimson red.

"I-I-I, I'm so-" he stuttered before throwing up on me once again. I winced before jerking Josh's body into an upright position before he had the chance to choke on his own vomit.

"I'm so looking forward to explaining this to Brendon" I sighed before lugging Josh's arm around my shoulder. "Lets get you home"

A flash of panic became present in Josh's eyes, "Sorry lets get you to my  home"

As I opened the bedroom door I was greeted by a pair of wicked eyes and a wide smile. "You two have been up here alone hm?"

"Yeah, about that"

"I hope you didn't mess up my sheets"

"Yeah we-"

"You dirty fucks, why would you do it In my bed?"

I bit my tongue, "Whatever you're thinking, you're wrong. Just mind the smell when you walk in Brendon, to be honest I'm not even that sorry anymore"

Holding On To You//JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now