9- "If stares could burn i'd be in fire right now.."

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"How was it?"

"She said yes."

"Good. I'll tell my dad about it."

I stare at the floor of our classroom for like 30 minutes now. I couldn't concentrate with what our professor was discussing. I feel like my head is going to explode any time by now and all I want to do is to burry myself down the ground.


I sigh and hit my head plenty of times.

"STUPID!" I yelled out of annoyance to myself.

"Are you calling me stupid Miss Lustre?" my professor called me up and my senses came back into reality. I didn't realize everyone was already looking at me.

I froze for a moment and bit my lower lip "I—I was thinking about something... Sorry, sir." I tried to explain but I couldn't look straight at him. I was totally humiliated and everyone around me is laughing too.

My professor walked closer to me and pointed his index finger on my table. I looked at it and my heart started to pound wildly. "I'm keeping an eye on you, Lustre." He said and I feel uneasy. I looked at him and when I was about to meet his eyes, he turned his back and walked his way to his table again.

It was a tiring day and I didn't even done much. I was walking my way to the parking lot to see Kean cause he texted me earlier that he wanted to give me a ride home. The mofo is finally trying to make it up with me after the hell of adventure he gave me.

As i look for Kean's car, I passed by a black honda civic with darkly tinted windows. It's weird cause it's too dark but I can actually sense that's someone's looking at me from the inside. I felt a quick shiver and my knees felt heavy when I passed in front of it. My heart pounded so wildly but I acted chill and tried to not mind it and started walking fast. Finally, I saw Kean's car few spaces away from me but before I could take another step, I was taken aback and was startled.

"Hey, baby!"

The monster found his way again to me.

"Wtf James! Why do you always show your freaking face out of nowhere!"

James luaghed as I stared at him with my very much annoyed and scared face. I held my chest to stop it from pounding so much. I still haven't recoverd from the fear I felt from that suspicious car i passed by earlier, and then here he is scaring me.

"Why do you look so frightened? I mean, I got this very angelic face... Or you just can't believe I'm your boyfriend?" He explained trying to sound all cute and charming while he puts the back of his palm under his chin, emphasising his goddamn face  . I furrowed my brow.

"Hah. So you think you're funny?" I rolled my eyes and pushed his shoulder so I can continue walking to Kean's car, but then he held my arms and pulled me close to him. My eyes widened as our face are only few inches away. I could actually feel it in my face when he exhales.. and the sweat that's dripping from his forehead, passing through his cheeks down to his jawline. this guy.. why does he look so.. perfect? I got lost into his deep brown eyes. It felt like I was under a spell, like a blue and green light was actually surrounding us at the moment- like an angelic piano was played in the background-like everything was surreal and there's this light that's coming from James' face.

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