Chapter 1: This Boy is a Devil, Literally

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"No, stop! Please! Let me go!"

I ignore the woman's shouting as she gets dragged off by the guards to the dungeons, her black wings rustling and tears forming in her eyes and spilling down her pale cheeks as a sea of emotions passes through them. I sigh and walk up the marble, spiral staircase, embracing the warmth that the torches on the wall let off. It's not that I don't feel bad for her, I do, it's just that it's my job, my duty. As Queen Evangeline of the Angels commands, I must do. After all, she adopted me into her family and trained me to be one of the best female knights in her command. As for the woman that was just dragged away, she was a Dark Angel. I believe that just because you come from a dark place doesn't mean that you have to be dark too, but lately it seems that everyone who has been dragged in comes from a dark place. Sometimes I wonder if we're actually only capturing the ones who act bad, no matter what race they are. However, I fully trust Evangeline, and so I shouldn't question it -- although my mind will continue to ponder the thought. I race up the stairs and rush to the throne room, my white wings carrying me swiftly. I land outside the doors to the throne room and push open the white, rune covered doors that reach clear up to the ceiling. The doors creak open and close with a loud bang that fills the room.

"You summoned me, Queen Evangeline?" I say as I hurriedly fly over to her and kneel.

"Stand, Aella," She commands.

I rise to my feet and my green eyes meet her cool, blue ones. Her sandy colored braid with white ribbon tied through it is resting on her shoulder and her crown is on top of her head. She brushes her hands against her white gown and adjusts the blue ribbon the color of her eyes that is tied around her waist.

"Madame?" I stare at her in confusion.

"As you know, we are trying to keep the peace with all of the races, and although there have been a few issues lately, our allegiance with the Dark Angels, Vampires, Wolves, and Fairies remains strong."

"Yes, but what about the other races we're aligned with?" I ask.

"They are all fine as well, however," she pauses, "I'm a bit worried about a certain Demon's son."

"Who is he? I'll take him out," I say and go to summon one of my weapons.

"Please, Aella," Queen Evangeline puts her hand on my shoulder, "You don't need to summon any of your weapons, although you should have one at all times..."

"Sorry," I frown sheepishly, "but why don't I need a weapon?"

"You aren't going to be fighting him, at least, I hope you won't have to. His name is Salem and he is your age, sixteen, and he attends high school in the Human realm."

"Madame, I'm a bit confused as to what my assignment is..." I trail off.

"I need you to go down to the Human realm and make sure he doesn't do anything that harms people or gives away that Supernatural beings exist."

"Doesn't he know that he's a Demon?" I ask.

"No, but he does have horrible nightmares and I need you to watch over him, attend his high school too, along with living with him."

"If I may ask, who is he the son of?"

"The Demon King."

"Wait," my eyes widen, "you mean to tell me that he's the son of a Devil?!"

"Good luck, Aella!" Evangeline shouts and before I know it I'm falling out of the sky, my long, brown hair whipping in my face.

I sigh and fly down to his high school, following the path that I was sent on. I land in the bleachers and cloak my presence and watch as several guys run around on a field playing soccer. A guy with ebony locks kicks the ball towards the goal, and just after he does he turns his head in my direction and stares at me for a few seconds before turning back to looking at the goal. My breath catches in my throat in surprise because nobody should be able to see me. The memory of his intense hazel eyes is permanently burned in my mind as I stand there in shock, the wind ruffling the feathers on my wings and blowing my hair. So, that's Salem. I sigh and look up at the sky.

"Why me?"



"Wait, what?" I stare at my mother and my expression quickly turns from surprise to annoyance.

"There's going to be a new student attending your high school and she's going to be staying with us, I want you to be nice to her, Salem," My mom says as she looks through her bag for her keys.

"And you're telling me this right after we won the big game? Well, so much for my happiness," I grumble, "why is she even staying with us in the first place?"

"Because her family couldn't actually afford to move here, so she's now a resident in our home for the time being. When I heard about her story and how she needed a place to stay I just couldn't refuse!"

"So what you're saying is that you basically adopted her?" I cross my arms and frown.

"Oh, don't be so dramatic," my mom sighs, "no, I didn't adopt her, she's just staying with us. Her parents promised to pay for everything that she needs, so don't worry about it."

"But --"

"No buts!" she puts her hands on her hips, "she'll be staying in the spare room across from yours."

"I guess I don't have much of a choice," I sigh.

"Damn right you don't," she smiles at me and pats me on the head, which makes me scowl, "now go get ready for school."

"Yeah, yeah," I roll my eyes and walk away to go get ready.



"Wow," I mutter to myself as I scroll through the fake paperwork on my phone, "Evangeline really made sure that everything was taken care of. She even got me a passport and a ton of other stuff, including information about my family and medical records."

I continue walking through the street in my new outfit, which is a blue skirt, a black long sleeved shirt, and blue thigh-high tights with black combat boots. I adjust my twin pigtails nervously and make sure they look even, considering that I haven't worn my hair like this in forever, but I figured I'd try it just for today. I end up in front of Salem's door and raise my hand to ring the doorbell. A loud chime sounds out through the house and voices can be heard yelling from inside the house.

"Salem, go get the door!" A woman shouts.

"I thought you told me to go get ready for school, make up your mind!" He shouts back.

"You already did get ready for school, stop making excuses and get the door!"

"Fine!" Salem shouts, "I'll let the nuisance in!"

"Real mature," I mutter and roll my eyes.

The door swings open and I come face to face with the devil's spawn -- literally.

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